Seedlings in egg trays - just add coffee grounds

Seedlings in egg trays - just add coffee grounds 1393_1

Instead of buying more plastic pots to the start of the season, try to take free materials that you would otherwise threw it. Cardboard boxes from under chicken eggs and coffee thickness are perfectly suitable for anti-crisis gardens. In addition, you will provide an environment (and your wallet).

Mix but not water!

The benefits of the coffee grounds for plants are widely discussed, there is both opponents and supporters of this feeding. Therefore, before advising, I will put out the arguments of both parties.

Opponents of any use of coffee grounds in the garden and garden usually recall the natural mechanism, with which the plants of coffee kill their competitors. One of the key functions of caffeine in plants producing it is allelopathy - the ability to reduce competition from surrounding species, overwhelming their growth. In coffee beans, a shock dose is packaged to suppress the germination of other seeds. In confirmation of his words, experiments are usually given when the innoch of coffee grounds watered the garden and plants died. Do not be a botanical genius to predict such a result.

Proponents of coffee grounds for plants come differently - they do not watered with a strong solution daily, and put into the soil the residue as an additive once, relying on the slow release of natural nutrient elements.

Ground coffee contains a large amount of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and copper, as well as nitrogen. Nitrogen-rich proteins needed for plant growth make up more than ten percent of coffee grounds.

Since coffee is extracted with water, most of oils, fatty acids, lipids and triglycerides remain in thick, which is also characterized by antimicrobial activity. Especially loves the coffee compost seedlings of cabbage. And with a straight sowing, dried coffee grip mixed with carrots seeds for better germination.

Finally, we note an important point for domestic owners.

Everyone is well known to the problem - cats against seedlings!

This shifting quests for many fellow villagers of the Fucks have to be held annually, and the victory, mostly remains on the side of cats. So, the smell of coffee, coming from the soil, can scare cats with a sensitive scent, from digging seedlings.

If you want to try the proposed method, but you will need a cardboard egg box, scissors, soil, dried back Coffee thick, seeds and waterproof plates or tray for installing eggs

1. Mix the coffee grip with pot soil in equal shares.

2. Cut the box cells on separate cups. Of course, you can plant seeds and without cutting the box, but then, when they germinate, the roots are dead. Also a great risk of sprout breakdowns, when you try to separate the cups later.

3. Fill the cups about half the soil and thick mixture. Remember the recommended landing depth, look at the information on the package with seeds.

4. Since not every seed germinates, put 2 seeds of large plants (for example, pumpkin, cucumber, tomato, cabbage, etc.) on a cup. For smaller, for example, if you want to grow root parsley, put about 3-4 seeds. (Then, as the manicure scissors grows, remove weak sprouts).

5. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of the mixture, not forgetting about the recommended depth.

6. Put the cups into the waterproof container or on a simple disposable plastic plate with high sideboards. Since the tanks are located in a waterproof container, pour water directly to the plate, and do not water from the watering. Cardboard cups will absorb water and retain the seeds wet. Support the water level on the bottom to approximately in the centimeter.

7. Put seedlings in a sunny and warm place. When transplanting, it is not necessary to get young seedlings from the trays - they are transferred to a permanent place with them.

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