Early rise and other rituals who adhere to successful people


All popular artists, athletes and entrepreneurs wake up none of any dawn, starting their day with certain rituals - actions, the execution of which is happening daily at the same time. And these are the most common of them.

Early ascent

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The basis of the basics is correctly routing the day, no matter how cool is the early rise. Among the successful people, the units of those who can afford to not be fat in bed before lunch, and the reason here is not only in the workload of the working day.

According to those who prefer to start a day at 5-6 in the morning, it was before the morning the most productive period of the day. At that time, while the whole country sees a tenth sleep, in a person, no matter how busy, he has time to work on himself, not to mention that the brain, according to scientists, is located during this period of day at the peak of their capabilities .

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Morning ritual, which can be devoted to the time from the early rise time, many successful people made meditation. And no reason, because this kind of practice has a positive effect on the brain performance, capable of improving memory, and also effectively reduce the level of anxiety.


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No less important activities in the morning is physical activity. Of course, it is not about dragging iron in the simulator room, but about a light warm-up, which will help the body to come into tone after long inactivity while sleeping and trembling the mind. Best of all, an ordinary charge or a small jog in the fresh air is coping with such a task.

See also: why the night's sleep is interrupted and what to do to sleep again

Leaving procedures

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In the rhythm of a large city, most people have a day in literally for a minute, so to carve extra half an hour for themselves, and in the morning, almost unreal. But it is from such pleasant little things and is the life of a successful and happy person. Try to make a slightly hike in a shower or even a foam bath. A leisurely ritual will allow you to relax the body and configures the mind to work accomplishments, and the time of time for such a habit will soon be hoped by a hundredfold.


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Of course, an integral part of the morning of all successful people is breakfast. The fact that the first meal is most important, we hear today seem to be from each iron, but many still continue to start their day with sandwiches and cups of coffee. And very in vain, because a full breakfast is a guarantee of productivity and a good charge for the coming clock, and it is worth making it with your constant morning ritual. Log in a new day in a good mood and full strength, for example, will help you can help on a beautiful plate and eaten without a rush toast with avocado, omelet or green salad.

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And how is your morning? Talk about it in the comments.

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