The whole truth about life in orbit: there is no fun astronaut at all

The whole truth about life in orbit: there is no fun astronaut at all 13913_1

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Which of us in childhood did not want to become a cosmonaut, fly to the moon (well, or at least in orbit) and then admire the gathered around the children about incredible adventures? Even girls dreamed about it! After all, living in weightlessness and from space to watch the earth is probably very interesting. It is unlikely that then someone of us thought about how heavy the training of astronauts before the flight, and even more so about what they had to go there in a rampant.

Daily rituals

What seems to us with the usual, in space requires additional attention. For example, to brush your teeth, you first need to prepare - at least take the napkin to remove the remnants of the toothpaste. After all, it is easy to spit them into the sink. Due to the lack of gravity, the foam paste will simply split through the entire body. Sometimes astronauts just swallow it.

Water at the station is contained in special packages with tubes. Cosmonauts simply extrude it from the packages, and then catch the mouth of flying drops. It seems funny if you turn this time or two. But in such conditions for months it turns out not so simple.

How then to take a shower or at least wash your head? In this case, special means - shampoos and soap solutions come to the rescue, which do not need to be flushed. It is enough just to launch the tool into the skin and dry the towel. By the way, these hygiene products were developed for people who, due to certain circumstances, cannot accept the shower on their own. For example, when long in clinics are long.

Then another task go to the orbital station to the toilet. Here, the gravity would be very by the way, but since it is not, then to cope the need for people helps a special device - a pump that pulls out the feces. After suction, liquid waste is split into oxygen and water, which starts a closed cycle of servicing space station.

For solid waste, there are special mesh plastic bags that are inserted into the toilet bowl. For some time, they are stored in aluminum 20-liter containers, and then utilized.

By the way, the space toilet has the official name "Waste and Hygiene Compartments", which means "separation for garbage and hygiene." And so that a person in the literal sense of the word can sit there on the toilet, he needs to be fastened with belts. Walking to the toilet in space people train still on Earth. During such unusual workouts in the toilet, a special camera is inserted, which transmits the image to the screen. So the cosmonaut can control the process from beginning to end.

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Cleaning and fun

The vacuum cleaner is an undoubtedly useful unit, and at the space station and is suppressed. It not only helps to clean surface cleaning, but also collect unnecessary elements flying in the air. For example, hair during the haircut. In the conditions of weightlessness, the vacuum cleaner can also collect "distilled" water or scattered small particles of something. Also, astronauts are not against facilitating their existence without gravity, tightening the necessary thing with a vacuum cleaner.

Space Son

At the ISS, astronauts are sleeping in special bags that are tied to the wall, or in capsules. It is necessary so that while sleeping is accidentally fluttered into another ship compartment. By the way, to somehow imitate the pillow, under the head in these most bags put socks filled with other elements of clothing. Sleep itself in space is quite unstable. Every one and a half hours replaced at night and get used to it extremely difficult. In addition, the orbital station is very noisy due to constantly working devices and life support systems of people. Cosmonauts have to abstract. In this case, they are helping ordinary tubes for the ears.

But there are positive moments. For example, snoring disappears in weightlessness. The fact is that on earth snoring arises when the strength of attraction entails the tongue and soft tissues of the back of the throat. This leads to the overlapping of the respiratory tract, which is why the sound of trembling or vibration appears. Due to the lack of gravity in space, the snoring disappears, and the temporary stops of breathing disappear, known as the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

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The absence of snoring in outer space is only one side of the medal. Geeness does not affect the muscles of the person, because of which they are quickly atrophy. In order not to lose the form, cosmonauts are regularly and hardly trained in space simulators, which, in their structure, differ from earthly, but retain the principle of operation and pump different muscle groups.

Interesting fact. During stay in orbit, human growth increases on average by 3-5 centimeters. This is due to the same gravity force. Rather, because of her absence. The spine straightens and therefore it seems that man has become higher. Upon arrival, growth becomes the same in a few days.

Yes, life outside the Earth and outside the action of the usual laws of physics seems to be superheavy. Cosmonauts take place special training before going to the endless space. Although entering other conditions of existence, the body and the mind even experienced cosmonauts undergoes changes. The first days of people are worried about nausea and dizziness, but over time, astronauts are adapted.

Project "Gemini"

The whole truth about life in orbit: there is no fun astronaut at all 13913_2

A couple of years ago, NASA held an interesting experiment - sent one of the two twin brothers to the ISS (360 days), and another left on Earth as a control copy. So scientists were going to figure out how the human body changes after a long stay in space. It turned out that Scott Kelly has changed the content of bacteria in the intestines, the bone density and the telomers at the ends of the chromosome increased. Externally, it seemed that Mark is somewhat older than Scott, but after some time his body "caught up" the body of a brother left on Earth.

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