Results of 2020 summed up at the session session

Results of 2020 summed up at the session session 1391_1

The first session of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region heard the Governor's report on the work of the government. The deputies rated the activities of the authorities during a pandemic, and also approved the list of concession concession projects planned to implement projects and adopted a number of other changes.

Economy on a pandemic background

The head of the region, Andrei Travistov, reminded the deputies of the plans with whom the government began 2020 and who were seriously corrected in March, when a coronavirus pandemic was announced on the planet.

"The spread of a new coronavirus infection made us take tough, but verified solutions that would not only ensure the safety and maximum protection of the health of the Novosibirsk, but also retained the sustainability of the economy," the governor told.

According to him, during a pandemic in the region, it was possible to increase the number of capets in the region, 100 times the power of laboratories operating with the analyzes on COVID-19. The herbalists recalled that in the Lokdaun region for most workers was minimal - the industry and the construction sector was idle just a week, the main part of the service sector is two weeks. At the same time, various measures of support for citizens and business were implemented.

As a result, the industrial production index was 99.5%, and in the manufacturing industries - 102.1%. The housing was built even at 300 thousand squares more than planned - 1.9 million square meters. In the plus finished the year and the agricultural sector - 100.5%. The region retained its position in the investment attractive rating and one of the few in the country showed a positive trend in the economy, at least a bit, by 1.2%, but by increasing its own budget revenues.

Deputies asked the fate of already concluded concession agreements. Roman Yakovlev asked about new polyclinics in Novosibirsk, Dmitry Makarov - about the construction of the fourth bridge. The governor reported on the readiness of design and estimate documentation for the construction of a clinic, as well as the concession should be implemented until the end of 2022. As for the bridge, it is also expected to launch a movement in terms of crossing, fully project, including all the unions, should be implemented in 2023.

Andrei Shimkiv Chairman, Andrei Shimkiv, called the results of 2020 by the result of collaboration. "The main background of 2020 is, of course, a pandemic. It was required to promptly make changes in the regional budget, to respond quickly to external challenges. Last year, last year there were decisions related to the staff of medical institutions, the help of people, business, "said Andrei Shimkiv, stressing that they did not forget about the prospects for development in the region.

"We have developed an effective system when we collect pungents from people, we work out with all the government. This is such a roadmap for the next five years. We do not leave those punishes that we have unfulfilled. This does not mean that everything will be done for the year. But all the decisions have already been agreed upon: each deputy can calmly talk to his voters, that their wishes will not be ignored, "he added.


The session of the Capture also approved a list of 24 objects, to implement which is planned in the format of concession agreements. We are talking about a declarative document, inviting investors to cooperate. In the list of sports complexes, TBM polygons, boarding house for the elderly, etc.

The main object in the list, according to the deputy of Irina Didenko, is an oncological dispensary. "The government's interest is visible in attracting private investment on its construction, deep study of the issue (...) further or private investments will be attracted, or an object can be implemented at the expense of budgetary funds. You can talk about the financial and economic model later, when the Agreement itself will be formed specifically, "Irina Didenko said.

Also at the session, the session took amendments related to the change in federal legislation. Now, deputies and officials in their income reports will be required to provide data on their digital assets - for example, to report the presence of cryptocurrency.

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