What food can not be warmed up in the microwave

What food can not be warmed up in the microwave 13898_1
What food can not be warmed up in the microwave angelique

The microwave has become indispensable in the kitchen. Now we are not imagining life without her, because in it can even be prepared. But it is not so ideal. There are products that cannot be warmed up in the microwave. But, unfortunately, we sometimes break the rules and put this food into the microwave.

What food can not be warmed up in the microwave angelique

It is impossible to warm up frozen meat in the microwave

How do we usually do? We did not have time to raise meat, it means that we send it to spin in the microwave. Of course, we put it on the defrost, and not to warm up. But the microwave is valid in its plan. The edges were excited and starting the cooking process. But the middle remains frozen. In this case, the bacteria begin to multiply that can harm us.What food can not be warmed up in the microwave angelique

It is better to avoid such a form of defrosting. Put meat in the refrigerator. Or use the grandmother method - put it in cold water.

Eggs not for microwave

What food can not be warmed up in the microwave angelique

We think you heard that the eggs explode. And it is true. Waves of heat create a strong pressure under the shell, which provokes an explosion.

Not only do you eat, you still have to spend time cleaning. In addition, it's about protein, but read about it below in the next paragraph.

It is better to warm the chicken and mushrooms

What food can not be warmed up in the microwave angelique

Chicken for most

for which it loves her. And she is good when just prepared. But under the action of the microwave waves, the structure of the protein is changing. The protein inside the mushroom is also changing. And this protein is better not to use. This, as you already understood, concerns the eggs.

If you have a chicken and mushrooms, then make a salad. And even better heaver in the oven.

Acid and breast milk

When heated from microwaves, these products quickly lose their favor. And more precisely, everything useful dies. If you do not want to drink cold milk, then do not put it so hot, it is better to be heated at room temperature. In addition, fermented milk products "fold" and lose taste.

What food can not be warmed up in the microwave angelique

Immunostimulating proteins in breast milk are also destroyed with this method of heating.

Do not heal greens

The same problem. Lose use and taste. Yes, and it looks like a spectacle so-so.How to grow greens on the windowsill in winter (guide) angelique

Berries and fruits can not be warm up in the microwave

As you know, the benefits of fruits and berries persist in freezing. But they need to defrost them correctly so that this use does not disappear anywhere. Therefore, it is not worth defrilling them in this kitchen utensils.

How to freeze vegetables and fruits angeliqu

Honey should not be covered in the microwave

If honey is worth a long time, it begins to crystallize and becomes even more viscous. This is normal. And often people warm it up to return the initial consistency and appearance. But do not need to do. Microwave destroys all the benefits in honey.

What food can not be warmed up in the microwave angelique

Honey initial view will return the water bath.

Be healthy!

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