The cost of the largest wind power plant in the world has been announced.

The cost of the largest wind power plant in the world has been announced. 13885_1

The Government of South Korea announced the construction of the world's largest marine complex of wind power plants. Today, February 5, a message appeared on the signing of an agreement in the amount of $ 43 billion. This budget will be required to implement this project.

The President of South Korea Moon Zhe in personally monitored the signing of the agreement. The complex of wind power plants is planned to be erected in the southwestern part of the country - in the city of Sinan (Cheolla-Namdo Province). According to the president, the location of the state in the Korean Peninsula gives him huge advantages in the field of wind power industry.

The cost of the largest wind power plant in the world has been announced. 13885_2
View of Walney Extension

According to preliminary data, the complex will be 7 times more compared to the current record holder. It is Walney Wind Farm - a group of sea wind power plants, which is located in the Irish Sea off the Cambrian coast. The construction of this complex began in 2010 and was phased.

First, it was built by sting 1, then wing 2 - 51 turbines in each phase. In March 2018, the construction of Walney Extension with 87 turbines was completed. In total, the power of this complex is 1026.2 MW. The South Korean Power Plant should demonstrate the maximum power of 8.2 GW.

Moon Zhe in drew attention to the fact that the potential of sea wind energy in the country is limitless. Earlier, the government has already made a statement about the intention to gradually reduce the number of nuclear power plants. By 2034, it is planned to leave 17 low-carbon energy sources from 24. Thus, the energy generation in this sector will be reduced by half and will increase the dependence of the country from renewable sources.

The government will make every effort to launch the construction of the complex as soon as possible. However, it can go about 5 years. The agreement was signed with 33 different enterprises. Among them, the largest electricity supplier in the country is KEPCO, as well as significant private companies.

The cost of the largest wind power plant in the world has been announced. 13885_3
World Mental Dynamics of Installed Power VES

Every year the total power of wind power plants in the world increases. Wind generators are installed at a considerable height, where the wind speed is at least 4.5 m / s. Large power plants consist of hundreds and more such installations.

Depending on the type of design, the generators are terrestrial, coastal, shelf, floating, mountain and soar. Ground are considered the most common, and shelves differ next to the advantages, since they do not occupy space and more efficient at the expense of breezes.

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