Coronavirus vaccination (COVID-19) - answers to questions, my experience.

Coronavirus vaccination (COVID-19) - answers to questions, my experience. 13877_1

Coronavirus vaccination (COVID-19). In this article, I want to share my vaccination experience, as well as answer the questions I asked before vaccination, and which I received from friends and acquaintances on this topic.

I hope this information will help you in making decisions: - Vaccination against coronavirus - to conduct or refuse? - If you hold vaccination, then do it now or wait? - If I got a coronavirus if I need to vaccinate from coronavirus? If you still need, when? - How to correctly assess the risks of refusal from vaccination? - Allergic reactions to vaccine components (any) - the question from the subscriber *

Does vaccination from coronavirus?

I, ideological "for" vaccination and believe that this method of preventing infectious diseases is most effective for the population as a whole, and for most people.

It has been a year since we learned about the emergence of a new actively coronavirus strain, which causes a disease, varying severity; from asymptomatic carriage, to death; We learned about the difficult post-maps of the consequences, about the "Covelty Tail." All this makes thinking: "Maybe the Cake is still more serious than the usual cold?"

Now we see repeated cases of the disease among those who have surpassed the Covid in March - April 2020. We definitely understand the natural immunity from the transferred coronavirus infection by a short, on average 6 months.

According to the experience of practicing doctors, encountered with repeated cases of coronavirus, the re-illness occurs heavier than it was for the first time. If primary treatment passed in a light form, then the state of medium severity or severe flow is noted.

If you leave everything to the spill of your own immunity, you can cross the repeated number of times. What are the consequences after each such natural illness - is unknown. Quite often, the disease is accompanied by the defeat of the pulmonary fabric and does not disregard other vitally important systems.

Ancha Baranova Professor Institute of System Biology George Mason

Evaluating the information received, I decided that in the fight against Coronavirus - we go along the path of vaccination.

If vaccinated from coronavirus, when?

2020, starting from March, we have practical fully spent in isolation. The work was translated into a remote format, social contacts are reduced to a minimum. Friends with whom we met, you can recalculate one fingers. The usual way of life remained somewhere ... For me, it is very hard.

Vaccination will be the first step to return to a more familiar lifestyle. I can not say that after the course of vaccination, I immediately go to the concert of the favorite group or hockey match. At least, you can no longer "shake" from people in the grocery store and "not stress" when hiking in the clinic.

Understanding the state of his health, appreciating how to transfer the vaccination earlier - I am vaccinated from all the standard and even more :), I decided not to delay with vaccination and as soon as it is possible, to go and do vaccination. But such a situation can not be applied to all.

Check-list of evaluation, run to vaccinate now or wait another half a year?

For those who are still positively configured to vaccinate, but has doubts about the rapid introduction of the vaccine in the mass, I propose a questionnaire that will help you make a decision.

Coronavirus vaccination (COVID-19) - answers to questions, my experience. 13877_2

Responding to these questions, you can approximately navigate how high the probability of meeting you and coronavirus is high.

If "shy away" from coronavirus is problematic - think about vaccination.

Rate risks to your environment.

Vaccination from coronavirus. I decided to vaccinate what you should know what?
  • Vaccination is carried out healthy people
  • After vaccination in the first couple of days can "on - storm"
  • "PO - Storm" - this is normal, this is not a side effect
  • Until the end of the course of vaccination - continue to shy away from coronavirus
  • Vaccine may be ineffective in some people (such about 1-2% in the population)
  • Vaccine does not give 100% guarantee that you do not get sick with coronavirus
  • After vaccination, the probability of severe flow / complications is significantly less than without it.
  • Vaccination is effective on any strain of the virus (from identified during this period)
I decided to vaccinate how to reduce the risks that the "storm" smaller?

The first thing I would advise - to pass a quantitative blood test for the presence of IGM and IgG. Quantitative analysis shows which titer antibodies you have. Many carry coronavirus asymptomaticly, in a light form and do not suspect about it. Someone soring Orz and he did not make analyzes. Situations may be different.

Even the disease is asymptomatic or in a light form, human can be antibodies. Specialists note some dependence of the strength and duration of immunity after heavier cases, but also at a slight course, the level of antibodies can be quite high.

You can now be at the start stage of the disease, when there are no clinical manifestations of the disease. Having loaded yourself at this moment of vaccine, you never know what the effect can be. Why put experiments on yourself.

Check out the annotation to the vaccine drug. Any drug has contraindications and special instructions, age limitations. I was taken by the combined vector vaccine GAM-Coke Vac - the trade name "satellite V".

What kind of contraindications are indicated in the annotations to GAM-Sovid Wak:

  • hypersensitivity to any component of a vaccine or vaccine containing similar components;
  • severe allergic reactions in history;
  • Acute infectious and noncommunicable diseases, aggravation of chronic diseases - vaccination is carried out in 2-4 weeks after recovery or remission. With nonsense ARVI, acute infectious diseases, the bustic vaccination is carried out after temperature normalization;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • Age up to 18 years (due to the lack of data on efficiency and safety).
I got sled COVID-19, do I need vaccination from coronavirus?

Unfortunately, natural immunity after the suffered disease is short. Some already after 3 months there are completely absent antibodies, most observed a resistant decrease in antibody titers after 6 months.

Now we see repeated cases of the disease, with a weighing clinical picture. Make the right conclusions.

I got a coronavirus when I can vaccinate?
  1. In the blood test, IGM titers are below the reference values. That is, when Igm is absent.
  2. In the blood test, IgG titers are close or below the cut-off point of reference values. That is, when IgG almost gone or completely absent.
Coronavirus vaccination (COVID-19) - answers to questions, my experience. 13877_3

According to these results, we see that the IgG level is 7.6 with a cutoff level of 1.4.

In this case, go to vaccination early. The analysis should be repeated in 2-3 months.

When the IgG level is 2.0 and below - prepare for vaccination

3. Your well-being and health care allows you to vaccinate.

Vacinalization from Coronavirus VS is ill with COVID-19. How to evaluate risks?

It is wrong to compare the "normal effects" of your body to vaccinate that you have not conducted vaccination at all.

It is necessary to compare the "normal effects" of your body to vaccinate and probable the severity of the disease and risks associated with the complication after the suffering disease ("Catching tail", "settlement states", sudden failures of other systems).

Question from the subscriber. "Hypersensitivity to the drug component ... What? Where? When?

In the heading "I want an article" we sent a question:

  1. I remember your vaccination experience in the past / asking parents. Have there been any reaction to vaccinations? If you were, then what vaccinations (from what diseases)?
  2. We appreciate what kind of reactions were these? - general character (malaise, temperature), - local reactions (pain in the place of injection, rash, redness), - acute allergic reactions (swelling, shock, loss of consciousness, etc.)
  3. Carefully see the annotation to the drug. Composition / auxiliary substances / contraindications. Alternatively on the example of flu vaccine "Sovigipp"
Coronavirus vaccination (COVID-19) - answers to questions, my experience. 13877_4
If you see familiar names, previously provoked allergic reactions, we look for another drug
Coronavirus vaccination (COVID-19) - answers to questions, my experience. 13877_5
Here the manufacturer gave clear instructions on the intolerance to chicken protein and aminoglycoside

4. As a rule, people having allergic reactions to medicines, food products, are well aware of it.

If you have established that you had a strong reaction to a certain vaccine drug, learn what kind of vaccine. Look at the composition of its components, both basic and auxiliary, study contraindications.

When subsequent vaccination, compare the composition of the vaccine, if you find similar components: - Discuss it with your doctor, - consider the replacement options, if possible, make preliminary training of the body.

I almost forgot my vaccination experience.

Without excess water, briefly and in essence.

I wish everyone!

* Information is prepared on the basis of the opinion and experience of authoritative doctors and scientists, reviews of scientific publications, which I trust. ** This article is not aimed at promoting vaccination from Coronavirus. We are in VKontakte, FB and Instagram, join!

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