How do you smear money for passing exams in the traffic police? Fraud punished

How do you smear money for passing exams in the traffic police? Fraud punished 13865_1
How do you smear money for passing exams in the traffic police? Fraud punished 13865_2
How do you smear money for passing exams in the traffic police? Fraud punished 13865_3
How do you smear money for passing exams in the traffic police? Fraud punished 13865_4
How do you smear money for passing exams in the traffic police? Fraud punished 13865_5

Two girls are a 23-year-old resident of Smolevichi and 32-year-old Minskanka - in the summer they began to communicate through a common acquaintance. It turned out that the youngest is studying in a driving school, in which the eldest was sometime. The first was afraid to "fill up" exams and stay without right. According to the court, the elder suggested to give a bribe, which eventually resulted in imprisonment.

"With reference to acquaintances with teachers and" Communications in the traffic police ", a woman suggested a cadet in successful handling," reported earlier in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. - From her words, a bribe required for examiners. At first, the remuneration was several hundred rubles, but in the end, Minskanka lured more than three thousand rubles. She never passed the money to anyone, having spent them on themselves. "

They opened a criminal case for incitement to the country of bribes and for fraud. As it turned out at the meeting, the 32-year-old accused was previously 12 times tried, at the time of the development of this story had an unnecessary and outstanding conviction. According to the case file, it seized the victim of the amount of 3830,75 rubles. "Repeated, intentionally, from mercenary motivations, having a single criminal intent on the money by money, by deception, under the pretexts of a safe decision to make the issue of testing and examinations in a driving school and in obtaining rights without exams." Also, according to the conclusions of the court, she by deception bowed the victim to transmission through it as a mediator of money as a bribe to employees of driving school and MREO of the traffic police Minsk, not intending to fulfill their obligations and not having such an opportunity.

The verdict on the totality of crimes is imprisonment for 2 years 6 months in the colony of the general regime. She confiscated in the income of the state of 3824 rubles 95 kopecks. A woman was taken into custody in the courtroom.

The sentence into legal force did not join and can be appealed and appealed in the procedure established by law.

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