VTB leasing: about 30% of the fleet of special equipment for transportation TKO requires updates

VTB leasing: about 30% of the fleet of special equipment for transportation TKO requires updates 13847_1

According to preliminary surveys, about 30% of the Russian fleet of automotive special equipment used for the transport of solid utility waste (TCO) requires replacement. Additionally, for the execution of targets of the national project "Ecology", it will take about 6 thousand new specialized machines per year. Such an assessment was the head of the Department of Business Development of the Autolysign GK VTB Leasing Vyacheslav Mikhailov during the online conference "Risk Management, Insurance, Internal Control, Audit, Compliance, Supplement, organized by the United Leasing Association.

Currently, within the framework of the national project "Ecology", the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, together with the "Russian Ecological Operator", is developing a set of state support measures for enterprises of the treatment of TKO, including new programs of preferential lease. Their implementation will allow you to introduce additional facilities for processing, neutralizing and disposal of TKO, as well as to ensure the regions of the Avtospectechnika for transporting them, which allows for a separate garbage collection.

Discussed measures to support enterprises included in the system of solid communal waste management, provide for compensation for the cost of leasing equipment and autosoppers. When buying equipment or special equipment in leasing, enterprises will be able to receive a discount on an advance, and leasing companies - the program participants will receive compensation for this amount from the Ministry of Earth. Mechanisms for monitoring consumption of public funds are planned to be made as transparent and understandable to all market participants.

VTB leasing works with all types of property, including with equipment for processing garbage and special equipment for its transportation. To date, the company's portfolio consists of about 250 garbage trucks that are in leasing more than 90 customers. The largest transaction that VTB leasing has implemented in this segment in 2020, it was the financing of 37 special vehicles for the EkolaiF Group of Companies - the General Protection of the Moscow Region Regulator "RT-Invest".

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