How to replace the manure to potatoes to increase her crop at times


When growing potatoes, many dacms and gardeners use various ways of fertilizer and ground dressing before planting potatoes to obtain a rich harvest. For this purpose, you can use expensive feeding, chemicals, or changing the plot.

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The fact is that with the annual cultivation of potatoes in the same place, the soil is depleted, and its fertile qualities are noticeably deteriorating. It rapidly multiply pathogenic microorganisms that cause diseases.

Improving the phytosanitary state of the garden will help expensive organic feeding - humus, manure or strict observance of the rules of crop rotation. But there are more affordable and efficient ways to restore soil fertility before planting potatoes.

Increase the fertility of the soil with the help of Siderators

The efficient and cheap way to restore fertility of the beds is sowing sites. From mid-August and until the end of September, you can sow on the spot where the potatoes of the Siderates will be planted - the Svorovaya Vika and White mustard.

White mustard and spring wiki can be bought almost in any horticultural store. Siderates can be sulking both rows and solid sowing. One hundred meters of site will require about 500-900 g of spring wiki and 250-400 g mustard.

Siderate seeds need to be close to the ground to a depth of up to 3-4 cm. White mustard is considered one of the best sites in the preparation of the soil to grow potatoes. It contains apple, fumaric and other organic acids that prevent the appearance of a wire on the plot.

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White mustard has a well-developed root system, which provides the structure of the soil, its moisture intensity and aeration. No less effective to improve the fertile quality of soil and yarre Vika. It belongs to the family of legumes, and also very quickly increases the vegetative mass, due to which the atmospheric nitrogen fixes and saturates it deep layers of the soil.

Siderates can be raised 35-40 days from the moment of sowing, during the period of mass blossom of mustard. For this purpose, you can use the usual garden trimmer. Skilled grass is desirable to leave for a few days on the surface of the soil for drying.

After the seedrates get dry a little, they should be sealed into the soil to the depth of the fertile layer. To increase the efficiency of plants, you can add humus organic fertilizer. Such feeders contribute to the stimulation of microbiological processes and activates the decomposition of bevelled sedients in the fertile layers of soil.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the active growth of potatoes is impossible without potassium. Therefore, before applying, beveled Siderats can be mixed with wood ash - approximately the glass for each square. m.

Sowing sowing is a simple, affordable and effective way to increase the yield of potatoes and improve the fertile quality of the soil without using expensive fertilizers. They will help not only get a generous potato harvest, but also protect the garden from the wire and other pests.

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