How to get free legal advice

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It is believed that legal services are considerable money, and the more the client's problems, the richer of his lawyer. But in some cases, the advice of a lawyer can be obtained completely free. Phintola explains how to do it.

Lawyer from the state

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Citizens of Russia may be calculated for free legal assistance for the state account. As well as:

  • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • disabled I and II groups;
  • Children's orphans and adoptive parents;
  • incapable citizens and their representatives;
  • People victims in emergency and their relatives;
  • Older people who permanently residing in the nursing homes;
  • Other persons whose list sets 324-FZ.

You can get a free consultation of a lawyer in state legal bureaus. True, they are not in all regions. In addition, private notaries and lawyers may be included in the system of state free legal aid (BUB). They are not so much as I would like. List of advocacy chambers and data on what free help they provide, you can find here.

When contacting the organization included in the State BUB system, you need to write a statement, and you will be given the following free legal services: drawing up a complaint, petitions and other legal documents; Representing the interests of the applicant in the courts, state, municipal bodies and other organizations.

But all this freebie is available only to certain categories of citizens and only in cases provided for by law, for example, in disputes on the protection of consumer rights and property rights, some labor and family disputes, and so on.

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The Institute of Legal Clinics was developed in Russia not so long ago - at the end of the last century. These organizations are designed to solve two problems: to compensate for the lack of free legal services and help students of law faculties to gain practical experience.

Therefore, almost all legal clinics are organized at universities, including state. Consultations are carried out by students, but supervise all their actions lecturers with legal education or practitioners.

Consulting in legal clinics has its own specifics: reception for each issue is carried out at least two times. First, the visitor sets out the problem, and after a few days it returns to the clinic to get the law advice. So do not count on express counseling.

Non-state centers

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Non-commercial organizations that are included in the non-state bob system also determine who to assist, and who to refuse. Therefore, in the lists of "taped", except the poor and beneficiaries, for example, the homeless and single parents, pensioners and children from incomplete families, HIV-infected and other people who are in difficult situations.

In non-state centers, lawyers and lawyers can advise on civil, housing, labor, family, land and administrative legislation, pension and social support.

In the centers of assistance to victims of domestic violence also provide free legal assistance. True, the problems that help to figure out here are specific: divorce, alimony, deprivation of parental rights, protection against persecution, the establishment of paternity and the like. There was failed to find a single list of such centers. The most famous - "violence. NO", the Moscow "Crisis Center for Women and Children", St. Petersburg "Crisis Center for Women Ingo".

In addition, in Russia there are a number of human rights community organizations - in the base of the Ministry of Justice at least 207 such NPOs. Some of them help only certain categories of people - migrants or political prisoners, journalists or servicemen. But they all protect the rights of citizens, so when contacting them you can count on at least a lawyer's consultation.

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