"The whole floor shouted by the chorus:" Happy New Year! "" Holiday in Belarusian: As in IVS, 2021


It was the last day of the strange 2020. A sausage for Olivier was cut, glasses werehed for champagne, a cherished desire was invented for a more successful 2021 year. In general, approximately somehow so Belarusians and prepared for the festive night. And if before such a routine on December 31, we considered quite familiar, this time for some he could have akin to a gift. Do not forget: we live in Belarus, and therefore weekly detentions are already a popular tradition. Actually, therefore, some Belarusians had to celebrate the holiday "on the days" and stop believing in the saying "How to meet, and spend." We talked with those who were forced to listen to the salutes in captivity and tells about their experience in New Year's Eve.

Margarita, met the New Year in the Zhodinsky Isolator: "Jumping to see the lattice of Salute's reflections"

"People in civilian clothes" detained Margarita in their own yard in the evening of December 19.

According to the girl, she managed to frighten only at the time of the arrest. It says, one thing when you are taken from the protest march: you understand the risk and are ready for the consequences - and quite another - when you stand 20 meters from your home, you do not expect from the word "at all."

- At such a moment you can not imagine that something unexpected may occur. And when you row people in civilian clothes, a lot of fears and misunderstandings appear in the head, "Margarita begins to tell. - December is always a very busy month, and I was upset that I could not have time to finish all the things started. I must say, I believed to the last thing that I would be able to go home at the same evening.

However, police officers counted otherwise. The fact that the holiday girl will not at home, she was predicted already during a conversation in the police department.

- Like any active person, I understood: if you are delayed after December 16, the likelihood that the new year you will be celebrated in prison is 99%. I realized that now on the detention of the hot season, - adds a girl. - But I love collecting unique experience and believe that it is far from all people. So all this turned out to be a very iconic completion of the terrible 2020. And I managed to jump into the last car to sense myself with a real Belarusian.

Margarita spent the first three days on Obsessina, then they were tried, they gave 15 days, and on Wednesday morning they took in Zhodino and settled into the camera with nine girls. Actually, so artificially, a company was created for New Year's party in an insulator.

- Usually the new year I meet with my family, and then leave to celebrate with friends. Sometimes I go on the journey for the holidays. And this New Year's day everything was different. First, it was a real gift on Thursday morning gear and hello from relatives. Bags in Zhodino are given on Wednesdays, but now we did not have time in the insulators, and we did not have time to pick up in time, "explains Margarita. - We made up our festive table from the received snacks. Someone relatives were transferred to olives and corn, I am a coggy and condensed milk to make a cake. True, they never reached us ...

But we received festive napkins and used them as plates. There are no utensils for drinking in the insulator, so the cups were also handed over to us. We had a half-liter of apple juice for ten people, every girl went literally one throat. Someone from the girls diluted the juice with water so that the drink was more. We imagined that we have whiskey in a glass. And although our New Year's table was without Olivier, it turned out not so scary.

However, the preparation for the holiday by the choice of the menu was not limited. Girls voiced New Year's desires, made a lymphatic in facial massage and hairstyles - everything in order to be beautiful over the New Year's table. And they organized a master class on making snowflakes from napkins. Margarita is divided into instructions, what to do if the scissors are not at hand in hand.

- Long nails and deft fingers are important here to tear off pieces of napkins, which are usually trimmed. We also came up with a Christmas tree of a plastic bottle, then built an angel out of the mask and placed it on top of the Christmas tree. Soapy water stuck these crafts to the surface. Yes, it is prohibited, but for a short time we were able to create a festive atmosphere. Actually, somehow they decorated our "hut" for the new year, "the girl smiles. - There were no changes in the routine itself. But thanks to the good mood of the workers, we first managed to raise boiling water - we poured tea and coffee, which we finally passed. As far as I understand, in Zhodino one kettle on the entire body, so it is difficult to imagine that each chamber in turns spill hot water. It was really a pleasant novelty.

Festive dinner in the chamber Margarita took place around eight in the evening. The girl says that the feeling of time in prison is strongly changing, and therefore it was able to determine it only approximately.

- The only benchmarks are the light behind the bars, the schedule of breakfast, lunch and dinner. At ten pm, we have a hang out, so about two hours before it began to cover the table. It was necessary to have time to discuss everything and note. Believe me, this is a truly unforgettable feeling when the whole floor is shouting: "Happy New Year!" For screams and Gomon in the insulator, you understand that in every chamber people are trying to celebrate, "says Margarita. - And at night, one woman had a heartburn. We asked the starting of the medicine, and he complacently voiced us time: without five midnight. At this point, all girls sat on their beds and began to count down seconds. At about twelve, we whispered together: "Happy New Year!" After a couple of minutes, the explosions of fireworks began to break out. We began to jump to see the lattice of the outbreak of salutes. It turned out to be difficult: our window went on the wall, besides, it turned out to be a double grill. But nothing, some of my neighbors decided that the fantasy we had pretty good, so we closed your eyes and began to represent the colors of fireworks in the head. After that, everything went to bed.

From the Zhodinsky Isolator Margarita was released on January 3. To the question "How sensations?" And whether the girl believes in the saying "How to meet, and you will spend," she responds directly: it is necessary to seek the pros in any situation. And calls his own.

- Well, we did not have to run on New Year's fuss and look for an apartment for the New Year - for us, everything was carefully solved by the state. In real life, it is difficult to imagine that you will meet a holiday in a closed space in the company of nine strangers. But we had such an opportunity, and this is a completely unique experience. It seems to me that now the whole country in some sense is in prison - I just turned out to be physically in it. I focus on the fact that I met 2021 among like-minded people, infinitely positive and strong people. And it is with such people I will live it, "the girl completes his story.

Dmitry, noted the new year at Obestina: "The duty officer even congratulated us on the holiday"

Everything happened on December 13 in Minsk: Dmitry was detained after the next protest march in the Kurasovshchina area. History to Banalna limit: Dark beads arrived, the security forces came out, started inside.

- At that moment, the march has almost ended. People ran away, and they were taken and taken me to the Oktyabrskaya RUVD. Compiled two minutes: participation in shares and disobedience to police officers. So I was on Obsessine. The next day was the court. Despite the fact that I have two juvenile children, I still gave 20 days. I knew that people who go to marches recently received up to 5 days and a fine. I was sure that it was little, I will survive. But the 20th day really was surprised - the man says. - At first I did not even understand that the holidays would not spend not with the family. And when I realized, it became very unpleasant and incomprehensible. Began reassure yourself: January 2 I will be at home, and everything will be fine.

At first, Dmitry was in a four-seater chamber, where at that moment there were twice as many people. There he spent five days, and then he was transferred to the chamber more, on the third floor.

- The first four days was really not in itself: no health resistant to Obsess. And then I got tortured: I was sitting with enough interesting people, we were talking about, "says Dmitry.

A man adds that he usually spends the new year with his family and friends, sometimes goes to the restaurant. But this time the traditions had to be changed. That's how he describes the day before the holiday.

- In the insulator, we were given salted and sweet food, everything was always fine with meals. But it was December 31, we got food without salt, she was quite fresh. Fortunately, the transfer came from their relatives, so we still were able to dine tasty. Well, soberly, understandable, - Dmitry laughs. - Festive dishes, of course, there were no mandarins. But one of our guys sent Coca-Cola and Sweet Water. Usually they are not transmitted, but here, perhaps, made an exception in connection with the holidays. We disassembled all the food acquired and closer to the sebel made an improvised table. Seli, filed, congratulated each other. Drinks left as an exclusive to midnight. They spilled them on the bottles, drank, bored cookies and sweets. In principle, everything went pretty quiet: we noted and went to sleep.

Dmitry adds that silence in the insulator was compensated for the sounds of fireworks outside the window and happy cries of people from residential buildings. All this lasted the whole night and more or less created a festive atmosphere.

- It was even hard to fall asleep, it became quieter only in the morning. As for Salietov at 23:34, we also heard them. True, I did not understand what they were confined to: We did not know time.

And the man says that on December 31, he noticed changes in staff. A contingent of the lattern appeared on Okregin, and one of the on-net-on-nights even congratulated the detainees with the New Year.

- We never said what time it was. But this guy for some reason decided to call us time. And we asked him to tell us closer to midnight, which fits the new year. So he walked over all cameras and congratulated us. On the next morning, we were given a little longer sleeping longer: at six in the morning there were light, but they didn't knock on the door and did not specifically walked.

Now Dmitry is on freedom, restored and get used to sleeping on the bed. He describes his feelings after the release: "In general, normally." On the second January, he was met by family and friends and brought for a real family table.

- It turned out that I got sick on Obsessine: four days there was an open window. Then I stopped feeling odors. And this painful condition was really unpleasant. When I left the insulator, I realized that I could not risk, hugging and kissing my relatives. And we really missed each other, - adds Dmitry. - Even in such conditions there was some kind of sense of the holiday. In principle, I do not regret your experience. Of course, this is not the most cool new year. I hope this will no longer happen to me, but I put a tick in my biography. Someone goes to relax in Dubai or Egypt, and I'm on Ocsept. Agree, this also did not manage to many.

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