Construction of three metro stations in Nizhny Novgorod will cost 50 billion rubles

Construction of three metro stations in Nizhny Novgorod will cost 50 billion rubles 13806_1

The construction of three metro stations in Nizhny Novgorod will cost 50 billion rubles. About this IA "Time N" reported in the Ministry of Transport and the roads of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

We are talking about the stations "Opera House", "Sennaya" and "Varya".

At the first stage, it is planned to extend the automotive line from the Gorkovskaya station in the historical and business center of the city.

The extension of the Sormovo-Meshchersk line in the zaretny part of the city is considered only in the second stage.

The above amount already includes the cost of training project documentation for the construction of new stations. According to the IA "Time H" in MKU "Gummid", previously the project documentation on the extension of the automotive line to the station "Sennaya" was already preparing, and it even received a positive conclusion of the StateExpertiz. However, it was prepared at the end of 2011, and at the moment it is necessary to develop new sections, since over the past ten years, new regulatory documents began to operate - in particular, on antiterrorist measures and certification of equipment.

The actualization of project documentation and the holding of public bank will require about 590 million rubles, and it will update it within 15 months. Competition for choosing a contractor for this MKU "Gummid" will only take on financing.

But there is no project documentation for the extension of the Sormovo-Meshchership line from the Sormovskaya station to the Sormovskaya station at all. It will take about 700 million rubles for its creation, work will take 15 months. The contest for choosing a contractor will also be held only upon receipt of funding.

At the same time, the construction of the ground branch of the metro from the Burevestnik station to the center of Sorzov is currently not considered, but there is an option for the construction of the ground plot of the Sormovo-Meshchersk line of the metro from the Burevestnik station to the Vary railway station and further on the railway station to the station Fixing. Together with this project, the possibility of building a transport and transformation assembly in the Varya Station area is a separate project.

The construction of new metro stations according to preliminary calculations will be able to increase passenger traffic by 25-30%.

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