Maternal instinct and male infantality: as they say about paternity in the Russian stand

Maternal instinct and male infantality: as they say about paternity in the Russian stand 1380_1

Russian stand for about ten years - he is a sprouted from the ruins of KVN and Comedy Club to become a new kind of national collective psychotherapy. Standap-comers joke about life, about politics, work, about relationships and family.

About parenthood is also joking - many of the popular television comedians are familiar with him not to be laid.

Since the standap-comedy in Russia is presented mainly by men (yes, the female Standap is also there, but it stands on a mansion and less scaled - however, this is a separate topic for the conversation), their jokes about parents are predominantly jokes about paternity.

Men are rarely expressed about parents - because it is less included in it, and because they believe that talking about children is not a male business. However, in Standap, everything is completely wrong - the upbringing of children, parenthood, relations inside the family and marriage became inexhaustible and fruitful themes for jokes and monologues.

We watched several dozen movies of Russian standards to understand how parenthood affects humor, and what is the contribution of the comedy to the image of modern Russian paternity.

But first disclaimer: Yes, we know that the fact that comedians speak their speeches are jokes. We know how humor works, and that, speaking of your experience, the standpeople are not always talking about themselves. And we also know that humor is especially the one that goes into broad masses with the help of viral rollers, television and jokes is an excellent tool to normalize anything. When we laugh at something, it ceases to be serious and ceases to be scary.

On the one hand, this is good. On the other hand, when we start laughing rapes and whipping children, we will reduce the degrees of the seriousness of the problem and begin to look at it differently. Yes, we ourselves joke on the topic of parenthood - just trying to remove the tension from our common problems (such as inappropriate or "troops"), but we are convinced that this is not the same thing that you are joking on the topic "Natural" male helplessness In domestic issues or physical violence.

However, the funny and recognizable sketches about parents from Russian comedians are also available - and there are many of them. In general, we collected, and you look at yourself.

Pavel Volya: "Education is a trend of decades!"

The glamorous tiller in the past and the family man of All Comedy now Pavel Will loves to talk about his limitless love for his wife and children. At the beginning of the first Lokdaun, within the framework of the Quarantine release, Claba Pavel recorded an appeal for parents who were locked with their children.

"And it seems to me, now the parents are looking for me, you know, who are:" We don't punish your child, "we do not raise the voice," he is a person, we do not scold him, "Will says it, and then continues. - Yeah, sat the week of the house and, probably, have already broken him on the fifth day as it should! And you yourself are sitting and thinking: "It was self-defense, he had a plastic tractor in his hands, it was very dangerous."

And here's another monologue about children from Paul - this time on the topic of rest with children (there are even a few wise thoughts - for example, that children and parents have very different ideas about a good rest, and it is important to remember this).

A small piece of the solo concert of will - about raising children and how "was better before."

Alexey Shcherbakov: "Do not scold, not refund"

Another comedian who actively uses his family life as a source for jokes. "The usual guy" from the people Alexey Shcherbakov often joking on the theme of parental relationships and talks about what he is "Bath" to his children.

Here is one of the most famous monologists of Shcherbakov about parenthood - about farewell to the kindergarten and how he raises from the sons of "normal men."

But the episode with a slightly earlier speech of Shcherbakov, on which he told that he had a son, and spoke with a well-known rhetoric that "I was also banging, and nothing was normal."

Monologue Shcherbakova that he is glad that he has a son, and not a daughter - because "no one will remove him on the graduation" (and an unexpected passage in support of vaccination).

Stas Starovoytov: "Fathers are very bad educators"

Comedian, who one of the first began to joke about his family, wife and child. True, according to Starovoitov himself, all these jokes were expensive to him - a few years later, after the take-off of his comedy career, the Standaper divorced (and then married again - and started another child).

This is the first monologue of the comedian in our selection - about the daughter who will grow without a father, and - suddenly - about Evgenia Tsyganov.

And he hello from the past when Starovatov still lived with the first wife and daughter - about how children will know the world, and about what role the fathers are usually played.

Now more than a fresh monologue - this time about the difference between the fathers and mothers: "I like a father at all I don't know what to do with my children - unlike women. Because women, moms - they have somehow all from the maternity hospital, they immediately know how to deal with their child "- and more about pregnancy and partnerships.

Victor Komarov: "If you dad, there are a lot of bad stereotypes around you"

Another twice father of the Russian stand Victor Komarov - he began to speak on the subject of paternity a little later than the rest, but a lot had time to tell. Here, for example, a monologue attempt to debunk stereotypes about inattentive and unexplored fathers.

Or here's another video where mosquito tells about how half a day he was left with a child, and how tiring it turned out. And yes - again about the maternal instinct, which in women, of course, is. And about slimming after childbirth: "If a person came out of me, I would never do anything else."

Finally, keep a short sketch, with which, probably, everyone can agree.

Ivan Abramov: "I have never left to left, there is still no time banal."

Comedian and father of two daughters, who started with musical sketches, and reached a realistic comedy on family life. Here, for example, in this video Abramov argues about children's sections and that it is not necessary to give children a million mugs too early (and then the obscurantism begins about loyalty in long relations and again our "favorite" natural differences between men and women who are affect their behavior).

Well, here's another performance: that dads with girls do not communicate with the moms with sons, about how children are learn to Mantic words, and that in the modern parent parents are not accepted, and they are accepted with them (Let's hope, Alexey Shcherbakov looked at this video).

Speech from the past, in which the newly new father Ivan Abramov talks about courses for pregnant women, a newborn daughter and, of course, women's forums.

Nurlan Saburov: "Very easy to love the child, it is very difficult to endure the child"

The parade of the stand-standing fathers will be incomplete without Nurlan Saburov: the comedian gets two children and periodically shares his impressions from paternity. For example, the story about how pregnancy and childbirth in the province and in Moscow (the eyes of the Father, of course), are distinguished.

Short video about how typical fathers talk about their children.

The comedians listed in this selection are not all Russian standards, which in their speeches told about children, but exactly one of the most popular. Over the past seven or eight years, it was they who were responsible for the formation (and broadcast) of the appearance of paternity - it turned out to be quite collective and recognizable.

The Hero Hero of Humorous Sketching Under Mammash, begins to think about the inappropriateness of physical punishments (but at the same time enthusiastically nostalgic about how it was better when all the strokes and went to walk to the courtyard unattended), it turns on to parenthood (and sometimes even It goes to childbirth), but it seems to be not aware of his real value - he, in the end, is not a mother, he has no special instincts and magic "tits." It is quite a traditional patriarchal model with a touch of modernity - probably, it is exactly the fatherhood, which is ready to empathize the Russian audience.

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