16 stories about strange people whose head is going on complete whistle


What logic is guided by people buying up to 2 years old puzzle from 2,000 details? Probably the same as a person who erases his clothes for 4-5 times in a row, or grandmother, which is treated with children's medicines. And if you think that there is no such strange people, our selection will prove that it is not.

One of the stories on the verge of resourcefulness and non-standard logic simply conquered the editorial office of ADME.ru - it is tweet about how the girl has launched a "cat" in new accommodation. We hope that the rest of the stories from the selection as your mood will be raised.

  • My parents really did not like my husband, especially a lot of mother brazed. Having learned about marriage registration, she even asked through his father to call her a month. Then children appeared, and parents had to meet and start communicating with her husband. The husband is a man unlockable and cheerful, and despite the ton of everything that resulted on him, easily communicated with them and even helped them in a difficult moment. We are building a house, children, there is money, the relationship is good - well, have come over for 10 years. You look, and your favorite son-in-law will be, I thought. And then I learned that my mother just waits when I would find a normal peasant. © Cheschirsky / Pikabu
  • Saturday, 7:00 am. There is almost no one on the street, people still sleep. I go to the courtyard. In the hostel, someone put a column out the window, and from there to the whole yard sneeze the song: "Silence I want! Silence! " © Mitrich76 / Pikabu
  • I sell women's bags. Once a woman came to me and described in detail the model that he wants. I answer her that we have no such bag. "But I want to buy it!" She insists. We argued for a long time, and finally the strength was over. I ask her: "Where did you see such a model?" The answer finished: "I dreamed of her." © Galina Arsenyuk / Facebook

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© Depositphotos.com.

  • When I studied in college, I had a neighbor in a room, which thought it was necessary to wash clothes on each mode of washing machine. Our car had a delicate washing mode, as well as "cotton", "rinse", spinning mode and others. So, a neighbor always complained that his washing occupies a whole eternity, and in fact he was erased by the same clothes for 4-5 times in a row. © SOONER_OR_LATER / REDDIT
  • The bank had the need to pay 100 thousand cash. I go to the cashier, I say: - I need to make 100 thousand cash. Please accept money. "Good," the girl says, "present a passport. And there is no passport with yourself ... well, it happens. There is a photo of the passport, but it is not suitable. - And it is possible, - I say, - to make 6 times 15 thousand and 1 time - 10 thousand, so that it turned out 100 thousand, but fractional payments? - You can, - says. By god, as if you play games and find bugs. © BushKander / Pikabu
  • The plane goes to land. It is already completely low, everyone is fastened, including flight attendants, and here is a loud topot - a woman runs through the aisle. Stewardess: "Woman, what happened? Take your place. " And she: "I go here." Laughter was on the whole plane. © Natalia Astakhova / Facebook
  • The most strange person I've ever met, was Frankie - uncle of my friend. Somehow we worked as a friend in the insurance company of his father, and Uncle Frankie came and got at the computer to send a message to email. And when it was necessary to add a symbol @ in the name of the recipient, he asked how to do it. I told him to clamp the Shift key and press the number 2. He asked with the indescribable surprise: "Doesn't the title figure 2?" © Jimmy6Times / Reddit

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© Livotovas / Twitter

  • To our office somehow won the seller of kapron tights and decided to demonstrate their super-quality. At first he was a crazy with a hefty knife. Then she pulled himself at the same time and my colleague on his head to show their size. The shocked colleague from the pantyhomets was released, and the community was left in them. And here our client entered. Probably, he did not run away in life so quickly: a man with black pantyhose on his head and a hefty knife - a spectacle is not for the faint of heart. © Anna Limerick / Facebook
  • The wife decided to sit on the diet. Having arranged a unloading day, all day ate blonde boiling water buckwheat. To dinner has already started swearing. And the time is around 23:00. A crisp look and the question is unanswered: "And after 12 - is the next day?" Pleases her tricky logic. © "overheard" / IDEER
  • I rode 6 years ago by train from Amsterdam to Prague. With me in the coupe there was a couple of newlyweds who drove into a wedding trip. Cute guys, smiling and open. Bed linen and cutlery were given in the car, but they politely refused, saying that they had everything with them. The young man at the same time told me a conspiratorial tone that they would break someone else's underwear, they say, it is not clear how it is disinfected. At that moment we decided to eat. The guy ate some kind of dragee, and - here is not enough - one of them slipped out of his hands and fell to the floor. And then he calmly raised this candy from the floor, threw in his mouth and continued to eat anything like nothing. © Jerry15 / Pikabu

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© Depositphotos.com.

  • Friend advised me to visit the cafe in Krakow based on Harry Potter. I found it on Google Maps and found out that it will work until 22:00. Threesome we went there by 20:30. It was dark, it was raining. They got to the place ... and did not find anything. People from the surrounding stores did not even hear about him. We have already decided that the cafe closed, but then saw on one of the shops drawing a witch flying on a broom. Movable curiosity, we entered inside. There were repair work there, and at the end was a dead end. We turned back with annoyance, but here they saw steps leading down to the door. Finally, we found a cafe. We were delighted! I complained to the girl at the reception: "There is not enough signs. We barely found your cafe. " And she replied: "It is not for Magls." [Magals in Harry Potter books are people deprived of magical abilities. - approx. Adme.ru.] © Piyush Lahoti / Quora
  • Grandma calls, 78 years old. Complains that the high temperature is kept, and the medications do not help. Asked to bought something and brought. I immediately get up and put in a pharmacy. I come to Granny with medicines and ask: "What did you drink that did not help at all?" And she pulls out the drugs for children up to 3 years, which she got from the grandson ... I say: "Granny, they are not suitable for age, so they did not help!" And she: "Oh, son, from where they can know how long I am?" © "overheard" / IDEER
  • I worked with one girl who had a very toxic relationship with her boyfriend. But she tried to conceive a child from him, as he thought that when they had a baby, he would find a job and would also pay for the apartment. In the end, she managed to get pregnant, and he threw her. © Booger-Burger69 / Reddit

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© Lenand ** Leny / Twitter

  • He worked as a seller-consultant in a children's store. One day I see how a young couple chooses a gift to a child. The man of a serious look grabs puzzle for 2,000 pieces: - Luda, let's buy it. - Wound? Dasha a year and a half! - So we yourself. - She scatters where we will collect it?! - In the toilet. She still goes there until it is afraid. What time has passed, and I'm trying to imagine how they collect him in the toilet, because they bought this puzzle. © "Overheard" / VK
  • At my work was Roxan's manager, which received this position only because her dad was the owner of the restaurant. Roxana was obsessed with his appearance - and nothing else. She often bleached her hair, and then wondered what they would fall out. And once she told us with my colleague, which made plastic surgery on the nose so that her future children would not grow up with the same as she had. She did not joke. My colleague with a colleague and decided not to even explain to her what. © ADASTRIA / REDDIT
  • At first 2 weeks in the bank, I persuaded a loan every day, and then when I had half a day, they refused. I'm going home in the car evil, I call back from the same bank and persuade to take a loan. And here my upbringing gave a crack ... © Maria Ivanovich / Facebook

Were there any cases when the course of thinking of loved ones or acquaintances put you in a dead end?

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