Scientists have improved the processing process by using new digital filters.


Scientists have improved the processing process by using new digital filters. 13776_1

Russian scientists became authors for the development of new digital filters, allowing to make the process of processing information faster and high-quality. To achieve improvements to researchers managed through the use of the system of residual classes, together with the original technical approach.

The starting point for the study of scientists representing the North Caucasus Federal University (SPFA) from Stavropol has the need to create high-performance digital filters that allow you to improve the information processing system. They are special devices that convert a set of digital signals of various types depending on the profile task, and are used in the processing of various graphic and media data. Of particular importance, according to experts, this task acquires in terms of trend towards an increase in the amount of information. As the project leader explained, Pavel Svyakhov, the Warreboard of Mathematical Modeling, the SPCF specialists, a system of residual classes was applied, which is a special format of data presentation and allowing to make arithmetic calculations in parallel.

It is noteworthy that such a system has already found the use of other scientific organizations in the development of other scientific organizations, but the work of Stavropol mathematicians has demonstrated better results - an increase in frequency up to 6 times and reduced hardware costs up to 5 times with an increase in power consumption by 23%. A comparison of the SCFU methods with technologies based on the traditional positional calculus system demonstrates an even greater positive effect: the frequency was increased 4 times with a decrease in the cost of equipment threefold.

The effectiveness of the developed technique was tested during testing using programmable logical integrated circuits. "All our forecasts have been fully confirmed. The proposed approach can be used in digital image processing, sound, medical imaging and other information. Our algorithm due to lower resource consumption is potentially applicable in volatile low-power devices for which the battery charge is critical, for example, in Mobile phones and tablets, "Mary Valuev's Research collapse summarized. However, SCFC specialists announce continued scientific work in order to improve the innovative technique developed by them.

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