February 23 in the cinemas will be the premiere of the People's Comedy "Bath" with Vladimir Vdovichenkov


From February 23, a full-length TNT film, TNT4 and GOOD STORY MEDIA "BATTY" company and GOOD STORY MEDIA "TNT4, and GOOD STORY MEDIA", TNT4, will be a touching comedic story about the journey of an adult hero. This was done all Soviet people.

As a child, Max quickly learned, where the right, and where left - because Bath made him an unforgettable "nettle" on his hand. It was considered to learn from the dates in the cemetery monuments. I did not fought - after all, one day, the bastard actually washed his mouth with soap. And just like - immediately got into the corner. Today, such methods of education seem to parents wildly, and the children of the nineties are built to the psychologists to study injuries. Reflexing about his childhood and Max, who became the father of two children and wants to understand why his bai was exactly the same - closed and in something cruel.

Bachet promised to visit Max and his family on his 70th anniversary, but, as always, did not come. And then Max himself goes to the house in which he grew up, on the way recalling his childhood from Bate. From these memories, the heart will be squeaked from everyone who at least a little bit of the nineties.

Max in the film played the comic show Stand Up on TNT Stas Starovoitov - this is his debut in a movie, which became a logical continuation of the role of the family comedian, in whose monologues, irony and observational comedy are combined with drama. And in the role of Bati - Vladimir Vdovichenkov, accurately and meticulously depicting a simple Russian man. Elena Lyadov, Nadezhda Mikhalkov, Andrei Andreev, and others were also starred in the film.

Initially, "Bath" wondered as a shortcut - the comedy series for messengers with episodes for 1-2 minutes, which the audience would send each other. In this form, "Bath" received a prize at the Pilot Festival as the most promising project. However, later, its authors, as well as producers of TNT channels and TNT4, saw that episodes folded in a solid history, which must be told continuously to lead to an important, final emotion of the film.

Producer Anton Zaitsev: "These stories the authors took from their own life. The material was written for a long time. Different scenarios put a hand to the memories, and chose the most common, the most recognizable, in which the archetypal figure of Bati would be drawn. In the nineties, Russia was still homogeneous as the Soviet Union, from which she came out. Therefore, there was a general method of upbringing, general and understandable to all situations, from here such a wide recognition of these situations. But it is also interesting that - initially the story about a harsh father, whose education differs from the pedagogical solutions of modern parents, was part of the pilot, which was shot in conjunction with our American partner, screenwriter and producer Bill Diamond.

By making this story, he recalled his father and his childhood, which had to be in the 70s of America. Therefore, such fathers are not only archetyapic and recognizable for Russia, the 90s, such a story will be understood on the other side of the planet. One of the important and most important thoughts that in our film sounds like this: parents always wish us only good. But this we can understand only when they themselves become parents. And not because they will start to do the same. We can understand them simply because at a distance of time it becomes clear. And this clarity will make us closer to your parents, and will help forgive them if we are offended. "

Producer Gabriel Gordeyev: "Bath" is a good, funny movie with strong notes of nostalgia, which will not leave a single guy indifferent, not a single man. And for women to see how the film will be perceived - the emotion, which is important to live.

Stories that are told in Bat, are familiar not only to those who conducted childhood, adolescence and youth in Russia of the nineties. They are familiar to the entire post-Soviet space, so we want to show "Batya" and in Poland, and in the former Czechoslovakia, in the Balkans ... Wherever there are fathers who may have touched the Soviet Union. I talked about the film Til from Rammstein, and he said that it was a very cool story, because he grew up in the GDR, and for him it is familiar and understandable.

The amazing magic "Bati" is that the film is about generation of our fathers and our children too. They will be interested to see, in what conditions their Bati was formed, and they will appreciate the romance ascetic, lamp nineties. Through the frank and realistic humor, our children will realize their parents anymore, will understand that no matter what situations in life, every father always moves the love of their children. "

See the Narodnaya Comedy "Bath" (16+) from February 23 in all cinemas of Russia.

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