"Support for relatives": as RKB provides the opportunity to stay with close in the Red Zone - video


While people argue make them vaccinating or not, COVID continues to collect a deadly harvest. Many people have already passed through large life tragedies and last year and already in this.

What will happen? No one knows. Alas virus evolves, it becomes a contagious, stronger and is unknown, whether he will be deadly. Therefore, we also need to arm - do not sit still, but do something. You need to think about people close to you.

A resident of the All-Russian District Fedosia Viktor Zakharov for three weeks has not seen her father. Stably heavy, in intensive care, breathes himself - that's all she heard all these days. She first visited the building of the former traumatic center, where the temporary infectious hospital of the RKB is located. She came to her father to see him and support.

The permission of physicians to visit the relatives of patients is the last tool to which only in exceptional cases, but resort to the hospital. The case of Fedosia Viktorovna Zakharova is such - the doctors know perfectly well, as long as long as long stay in the intensive care chamber.

COVID too often takes away not only vitality, but also the desire itself to live and fight. And this is the worst thing that can happen. And there is no medicine from this. In addition to emotions, those forces and emotions, which is able to give only the most native person. 65-year-old Viktor Ivanovich Zakharov, which is already 2 weeks in resuscitation, you need it. He already knew that his daughter did not think of a minute, receiving a proposal to visit it.

This meeting is one of the few who knew these walls. Russian laws now do not prohibit visitors to relatives in resuscitation, but this is a red zone and here is their own rules. Fedosia Viktorovna Zakharova was 20 minutes to try to do what the doctors could not do - try to open the door to recovery by their key.

A week later, it turned out to find out that then they looked into each other for the last time. Viktor Ivanovich Zakharov died in the intensive care chamber on February 3, 2021. He died suddenly, with hope in his heart. His daughter and today believes that she did a big deal - she was where she had to always be and she showed us that alas of fears come true more often than hope.

Take care of relatives and loved ones yet. Recover with understanding of the doctors. Read more about the last meeting of the father and daughter in the Red Zone in the plot of the program "7 days" on TNV.

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