Who is the owner of the seventh Cup Superbul Tom Brady and what is the secret of his success

Who is the owner of the seventh Cup Superbul Tom Brady and what is the secret of his success 13748_1

In the United States, a final game took place for the title of the champion of the National Football League (NFL), and at the same time the National Holiday Super Bowl Sunday was completed. Superboy, whose games are held from January 15, 1967, still remains an important event not only in the life of the United States, but also the whole world, and games, for the designation of which use the sequence number recorded by Roman numbers, and not the year, turn into the most Popular television event in the country. Brands spend colossal budgets for advertising during the match. This time, the Superbul was remembered not only by the movie of the New Cadillac with Timothy Shalam as the son of Eward's hands-scissors and Winona Ryder, as well as the speeches of The Weeknd between the matches - with a chorus of robots, double dancers and a mini-copy of Las Vegas , but also another Victory Tom Brady, Tampa Bay Bay Bakkanirs, who took the seventh Cup in his career.

For a 43-year-old player, this is the first success in the "Tampa", before that he became the champion of NFL with the New-Ingland Patriots, which left last year. And even if you are not interested in American football and sports in principle, there are things that you should know. We tell who Tom Brady, the American football player, a megapositive man and the husband of Giselle Bindchen, with which he is in marriage since 2009. The couple have two children - the 12-year-old son Benjamin Rhine and a 9-year-old daughter Vivian Lake.

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Photo: @gisele

The Tampa Bay Bakkanirs quantrelbek is recognized as the most valuable player of the 55th in the history of the Final Playoffs of the National Football League (NFL) - Super Bowl. He made 21 precise transmission from 29 for 201 yard and earned three Tachdown. As you understand, the Sunday meeting ended with the score of 31: 9 not least because of Bradie. So who he is such - a guy with a wide smile, which does not look at her 43 years and won loud victories?

Thomas was born on August 3, 1977 in the California city of San Mateo and became a younger child (he has three senior sisters) in the family of the Irish Catholic Thomas Bradie and Galinn Patrishia, the roots of the family tree of which go to Germany, Norway, Poland and Sweden.

In the 1980s, the guy regularly visited the matches "San Francisco Forti Nyanes" and was a big fan of the quaterbecue Joe Montana, who then repeatedly called his inspirer and even an idol. Brady visited the football camp at the University of San Mateo, he studied the right shots, while the love of American football combined with interest to basketball and was a fan "Los Angeles Lakers" and "Boston Celtices".

At the end of the school, Junipero sulfur in his native San Mateo in 1995, where he played not only in American football, but also in baseball, it became obvious: there is no success in school sports, but he did not give up - in the graduation class I took a video with information about Himself and sent him to universities with the relevant football teams. He was noticed. He played for "Michigan Wolverines", the team of the University of Michigan and was not confident in himself that he was even engaged in a sports psychologist! Over time, he believed in himself, got into the main team of the team and began to achieve success.

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And then he fell into the "New Ingland Patriots" - the team with which he spent all the seasons of the sports career and became the owner of six superbounds! In the season of 2007, he not only installed the NFL record with the 50th Tachdaunas, but also brought the team to the final with a score of 16: 0! "Associated Press" called him athlete of the year among men. Earlier such a title (twice!) Only Kumir Thomasa was honored - Joe Montana. After the injury knee, the successful sports career Brady could be interrupted - he had to skip the season, but in 2009 he returned to the field, for which he received the title "Return of the Year"!

A year later, he signed a new 4-year contract with "Patriots" by $ 72 million, becoming the highest paid player of the NFL. In 2010, the team won 14 victories and only two defeats, and Bradie again called the most valuable league player - unanimously. And again hit! In the first game playoffs, his team lost "New York Jets", and he himself hit the operating table due to the feet of his feet! Last year, the player opened a new chapter in his sports career - left the club for which he acted as many as 20 years and went to a new football journey with Tampa Bay Bakkanirs.

And here is a new victory. The most age player of Superbound took the seventh prize in his career, and from the first attempt in the new club. He is going to play up to 45 years, feels in great shape and never ceases to repeat that the secret of youth is in a healthy lifestyle, which he should be for many years! An athlete described his diet in detail four years ago in the book "TB12 method".

The diet of volumes by 80% consists of fruits, vegetables and wholegrain products - millet, brown rice, movies. The remaining 20% ​​- protein, that is, lean meat, bird and fish. It's morning, he begins with two glasses of water with electrolytes, although some experts assure that the benefits of such a drink is not proven - it's just a waste of money. For breakfast Tom prefers eggs and avocados, fish with vegetables for lunch, and vegetables with a bird - for dinner. Before training - smoothie from berries, after - protein cocktail. During the day, he drinks up to 25 glasses of water. He does not drink cow's milk, avoids the grated (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, mushrooms), as they whine blood. Alcohol Brady uses rarely, gas production and fruit juices do not complain, like coffee, which, as he assures, has never tried it! No trans-fats and glutamate sodium, instead of ordinary salt - pink Himalayan, instead of sunflower oil - olive. Tom goes to bed at 20:30, it rises at 6 am and after two hours - already in training. Outside the season, he is engaged in five days a week and even opened the TB12 sports and wellness center in 2013, so that everyone can follow his example.

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Photo: @gisele
Who is the owner of the seventh Cup Superbul Tom Brady and what is the secret of his success 13748_5

Tom often trains paired with his beloved wife, Brazilian supermodel Gisel Bindchen, who offered her hand and heart in 2009, while not hiding that in their relationship there were difficult moments. A few years ago, Giselle wrote him a letter - she reported that he was unhappy, doubted that he was doing enough for the family. While she cares about the family, he plays, and after the season he is engaged in his personal affairs. To correct the situation, Tom was forced to abandon some projects and even attended a psychotherapist with Bundchen!

After success, the athlete's fans are not secured by congratulations, but there are those who recalls this relationship with the Trump, which periodically became theme for discussions in social networks and on the pages of the media. After the inauguration of the president in 2017, he admitted that Trump called him, moreover, they are friends for several decades, while he sincerely does not understand why this fact so worries the public.

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