Merkel's probable successor remembered Putin and Syria's statements


Merkel's probable successor remembered Putin and Syria's statements 13737_1
Armin Leaves

The Arminists of the Democratic Union (XDS) chosen by the leader of the Christian-Democratic Union (XDS) was criticized in connection with the statements that he did earlier in defense of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria.

The Prime Minister of the Earth North Rhine - Westphalia, Nastabot, became the Chairman of the CDC, defeating his competitor to Friedrich Mersez on the results of online voting. Experts believe that he will continue to conduct a moderate policy of Angel Merkel. However, in the past, he ends, who has a good chance to change Merkel as a chancellor after the September elections to the Bundestag, expressed his views on Russia and Syria, who did not coincide with the CDC policies. They are now the basis for his criticism.

A member of the Bundestag from the Party of Green Omid Niphur said that he received many messages from friends in Eastern Europe and members of the Syrian opposition, where concern was expressed by the position of Lasheta. "The fact that he adhered to such views as the Prime Minister of one of the federal lands of Germany is already poorly bad. But if he followed them as a leader of the XDS, it will become the threat to the security of Germany and Europe, "said Niphur on Tuesday.

A person who is close to the emana insists that his views on foreign policy are quite consistent with the position of XDS. "On issues related to Russia, the Middle East and especially transatlantic relations, he thinks as well as Merkel," he said.

In recent days, several ambiguous Lasheta statements emerged. One of them is in an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper in March 2014, when the Crimea was attached to Russia. It criticized what he called "easily sold by anti-Putinsky populism", which was then widely distributed in Germany. The words quoted the words of Henry Kissinger: "Putin's demonization is not a policy, but an alibi to justify the lack of such."

In this interview, the lashes made one of the most prominent "experts of Putin" (PutinVersteher) - people who are considered to understand and protect the actions of the Russian president. The bay noted that in North Rhine - Westphalia, there are 1,200 companies that trade with Russia or invested in it, and emphasized the dependence of the region from the import of Russian natural gas. Four years later, in the post in Twitter, the bay stated: there is no evidence that Russia stood for the poisoning "newcomer" Sergey and Yulia Skripaley in Salisbury in 2018

Observers noted that the leaders of 16 lands of Germany as a whole are committed more benevolently to Putin than the federal government, mainly due to the influence of large corporations that invest in Russia.

A man closer to the bay indicates that he still refused to go to Russia to meet with Putin - unlike other land leaders, such as the Prime Minister of Bavaria Marcus Zeder or Prime Minister Saxony Michael Krechmer.

It became more careful after the poisoning Alexei Navalny and the murder of the former Chechen field commander Zelimkhan Hangoshvili in the Berlin Park in 2019, the responsibility for which the German authorities laid on the Kremlin. Both incident, he stated to journalists in December, "greatly aggravated" Russian-German relations. However, heded added that there is still opportunities to work together with Russia in areas such as climate change, academic and economic exchange. "We must adhere to their rules, but also to look for areas in which we can improve our relationship ... and avoid a new confrontation," said the nervas.

Perhaps his most controversial foreign policy statement was made in 2014, when he accused the United States in support of the Islamic state and the al-Qaida branch Front An-Nusra (organizations prohibited in Russia), who fought against the President of the President of Bashar Assad in Syria. Then she often depicted Assad as a potential ally of the West in the fight against Islamic terrorism and endorsed the support of the Syrian regime by Russia.

A man closer to the parish said that in his post in 2014 he simply called for a "more subtle approach to the Syrian opposition, which is much more heterogeneous than usual thinking." But, again appeared now, this message was outraged by many in Syria. "Armin Puttis - for Asada and Putin," Anis Hamdun, theater director and a former representative of the Syrian opposition wrote in Facebook. "A recent story teaches us again and again that leaders who support dictators in other countries will bring only chaos to their own people."

Translated Victor Davydov

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