How has the dynamics of consumer lending changed against a pandemic background in the Kaluga region

How has the dynamics of consumer lending changed against a pandemic background in the Kaluga region 13697_1

The population lending market in Russia in 2020 grew by 14%, despite the complexity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. But relative to the dynamics of 2019 and 2018, a tangible slowdown occurred. The dynamics of consumer lending last year was unstable, and in some months declined at all. Experts RIA Novosti amounted to the rating of regions on population debt to banks.

About how the dynamics of consumer lending has changed against the background of a pandemic, including in the Kaluga region, explained the "Federal Business Journal".

Thus, among the Russian regions there is a significant differentiation for the share of overdue debt on loans to the population. In three regions, the share of delay exceeds 7%, and in four - is less than 2.5%. In general, the median value of the share of overdue debt on loans to the population at the end of 2019 was 4.4%, against 4.1% a year earlier.

The growth of overdue debts occurred in 70 of 85 regions. The greatest height of delay in 2020 was recorded in the Kaliningrad region. There, over the past year, the indicator rose by 1.6%. Also, significantly overdue payments was added to Chechnya and the Lipetsk region - 1% in each region. Back in 25 regions, the proceedings on loans grew by more than 0.5%.

The highest share of overdue loans is characteristic of Ingushetia, Karachay-Cherkessia and North Ossetia, the lowest - for Sevastopol, Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts.

Kaluga region showed one of the lowest results, which raised the region on the 26th place out of 85 regions of Russia. The total share of overdue loans here is 4.05%, growth per year - plus 0.4%. But the total debt of the population grew by 12.1%.

For comparison in the neighboring Tula region, the indicators are below average. The region is the fourth century in the size of the total share of overdue loans - 4.92%. The growth of overdue for the year was 0.5%, and the total debt of the population grew by 11.2%.

In the Oryol region, the indicators are average. The growth of overdue for the year is 0.7%, the total share of overdue loans is 4.30%. The debt has increased by 13.4%.

In the Bryansk region, the share of overdue loans at the beginning of the year amounted to 4.40%, growth per year - plus 0.3%. This, by the way, is one of the lowest indicators in the Central Federal District. The total debt of the population grew by 12.6%.

In Smolensk, the indicators are slightly above average. Growth is 0.6%, the total share of the overdue - 4.64%, the debt of the population has grown a little by more than 10%. The same indicators for the growth of overdue loans in the Tambov region, their total share is slightly higher - 4.66%.

In the suburbs, the growth of overdue payments amounted to only 0.3%, but the total share of overdue loans is 4.42%. The total debt of the population grew by 14.3% - one of the highest indicators.

The leader in increasing the payment discipline was the Republic of Ingushetia (-5.3%). According to experts, it is most likely due to improving the maintenance of a small number of large loans. Also, a noticeable growth in the payment discipline is noted in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (-1.5%) and in the Republic of Buryatia (-1.0%).

Analysts pay attention to the fact that the most developed regions (Moscow, YNAO, NAO, KhMAO-Ugra, the Sakhalin region, Tatarstan and others) were characterized by a reduction in the zero dynamics of overdue debts.

Nenets Autonomous District, Sevastopol, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and the Chukotka Autonomous District became leaders of the rating discipline. Good results also demonstrate other northern regions.

The highest share of overdue debts remains among the Republic of Ingushetia (7.8%).

St. Petersburg took a fairly high tenth place in the ranking. There are expired 3.2% of retail loans. In Moscow, the share of overdue debts is equal - 4.1% on January 1, 2021.

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