Daniel fears. How did the star "poor Nastya" almost destroyed his marriage?

Daniel fears. How did the star

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After filming in the TV series "Poor Nastya", Daniel fears woke up famous. To such glory, the actor was not ready. He succumbed to provocations, although his beautiful wife was waiting at home. Was the pair to cope with difficulties and save the relationship?

Future movie star

Daniel - Native Moskvich. The future actor was born on March 2, 1976 in the family, which was not connected with the movie. The father of the guy, Alexander Strakhov, a famous ethnolingvist scientist and poet. It was he who came up with the name of his son. Alexander Borisovich called the child in honor of the Grand Daniel Galitsky. Mom actor works as a psychotherapist. The woman also created a copyright school in which Gestalt therapy is taught. In addition to Daniel in the Insurance family there is still a daughter Elizabeth.

The parents of the actor tried nothing to deny children when they were schoolchildren, and never pressed them. Daniel could choose any passion. He liked literature and mathematics. But the scene attracted most of him. At school, he visited theatrical circle. After the release of Daniel, he entered the MCAT studio by choosing the acting faculty. His mentor was Avangard Leontyev. I studied the year in MCAT, she decided to translate into the Schukin school.

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Acquaintance with Masha

With the future spouse, Maria Leonova, Daniel met in the first year of the Theater Institute. Over the guy of incredible beauty ran all girls in the university, but Masha did not pay any attention to him. Perhaps this is precisely the hop. But he always told that he fell in love with Mary at first glance.

For more than a year, Daniel cared for a girl, shining with gifts, despite the meager student income. He always tried to carve out some money on a bouquet or a symbolic present for Masha. But Leonov, unlike other ladies, did not touch the courting of charismatic handsome. Only a year later she regretted a poor student and accepted the offer to go with him for a romantic date. The relationship of the pair did not form. Their roads diverged. Only many years later, fate brought them again.

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Rock role

Young actors, having received diplomas about the end of the institute, went to work in one theater. Gradually, Daniel's relationship with Maria became warmer. The heart of an impregnable MAC was finally melted. But Daniel's proposal to marry him was in no hurry to accept. Only five years later, couples decided to speak quietly, going to the registry office in jeans and shirts.

The young states of money constantly lacked. Salaries in the theater were small. They barely reduced ends meet. Sometimes they even went to work hungry. Despite all the difficulties of family life, Maria and Daniel relations did not find out and persistently overcome problems. So it continued until Strahov offered a role in the television series "Poor Nastya". But together with success, the trouble came.

Fares tried for a long time to defend the spouse from the annoying attention of journalists. The woman did not even immediately understand how her husband became famous. Maria was delighted by the successes of Daniel, but did not expect that such glory could turn into their family.

The young actor himself was not ready for the fact that once wakes up known to the whole country. He lost his head, faltering in love with a partner - Elena Kinikov, who agreed to close relations, despite the fact that Daniel was married. Maria immediately felt something wrong, but the disassembly did not suit, hoping that everything was formed. She saw that the spouse comes home breeding and behaves not as usual. Masha watched him for some time, and after the end of the filming, the television series suggested sitting at the negotiating table.

Happy together

Leonova without screams and hysterics asked the spouse to make a choice: she or a mistress. Strahov remained with his wife and never regretted it. Couple together for 20 years. There are no children from Masha with Daniel, although they are already in 40. They adore travel and rejoice in every moment of life. Now the case with treason is remembered with a smile. He even rallied them.

Daniel fears today is considered one of the brightest and most successful actors in the domestic film industry. Directors literally fall asleep with its interesting offers. The actor's filmography already has dozens of paintings. Insurance has a lot of fans, but his heart is not free. It belongs to one single woman - actress Maria Leonova.

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