10 reasons for bad rising cucumbers


    Good afternoon, my reader. Sometimes it happens that the cucumbers do not want to grow, the shoots are poorly developing, the wounds seem to be frozen, they may hang out, not increasing in size, and then yellow and fall. Dountier may encounter problems at any stage of growing vegetable.

    10 reasons for bad rising cucumbers 13688_1
    10 reasons for bad growth of cucumbers Maria Verbilkova

    But if you observe all the rules of cultivation, the cucumbers will delight and good harvest, and long fruiting. First you need to deal with the errors that are committing gardens when growing.

    At first glance, there is nothing bad in the refusal, but in this case it is necessary to sow seeds of only the most stable varieties: swallow, ant, duct, Natalie, Far Eastern, Princess, Zarnitsa, nightingale, Virteer. But even if you choose such a "super-resistant" planting material, you need to remember that the cucumbers still need regular processing of fungicides.

    The result in such cases is random in nature: or good shoots grow together, or do not appear at all. Therefore, the decision on sowing must be taken, proceeding only from weather conditions. Cucumbers do not tolerate cold - in cold soil the seeds are lit. Therefore, sometimes it is better to wait until the earth warms up, even if the usual seeding time will be missed.

    The root cucumber system is very fragile and may not survive injuries. Even in peat pots, the plants will adapt a long time in the open soil. It is better to plant a young seedlings, which is not more than 20-35 days. Then the likelihood that the plants will fit well and will be fertilized normally, it is much increasing.

    Do not put on beeficker and parthenocarpic hybrids. In this case, the yield of both varieties falls sharply, and the quality of the fruits will deteriorate. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the corresponding inscriptions on packages with landing material before purchase.

    10 reasons for bad rising cucumbers 13688_2
    10 reasons for bad growth of cucumbers Maria Verbilkova

    Experienced gardeners recommend collecting harvest every day or every other day. Moreover, the smallest the cucumbers will be, the more yields will be. If the fruits are growing, it will stop the education of new bandy on the whole bush.

    Often summer residents are limited to one tillage before sowing. But for cucumbers this is not enough. Without regular nutrition, there will be no good crop. The advantage in this case is given to organic substances. Their nutrients are released gradually, they also absorb their salts well.

    You need to feed the bushes every week. At the same time, a full-fledged complex of mineral fertilizers can be used.

    Council. If a large number of fertilizers are made - the bushes will need abundant irrigation.

    Some daches begin to take action only when the cucumbers are already sick. And this is a big mistake. Spraying is preferably systematically, throughout the season:

    • when the first real leaves appear;
    • two weeks after the first processing;
    • Before flowering, about three weeks before the appearance of the first fruit.

    Usually this manipulation is carried out in small sections, where the crop rotation is impossible. If the crop of cucumbers pleased last season, it does not mean that the bushes will be good fruit and this year, even if there is feeding and care. In the soil accumulates pathogens and various pests that can attack landings on the second or third year.

    10 reasons for bad rising cucumbers 13688_3
    10 reasons for bad growth of cucumbers Maria Verbilkova

    This vegetable culture requires a good dose of organic substances. You can use manure or close in the soil of straw, grass and foliage. Perfect option: Make some kind of warm bed. To do this, dig a small hole and put on it all organic waste from the site. Cucumbers will be very pleased with this option.

    In thickened landings there is always a shortage of light and air, which increases the likelihood of diseases and pests. In this case, special support structures for plants will help.

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