
Present 13677_1

I think it is very difficult. To say to another person that he burned you.

I think it is very difficult. To say to another person that he burned you.

Made hurt.

Sometimes it is very difficult for me.

And this is understandable - why. And what's the danger here. From what - fear. Because to get in response to your sincerity, a mockery or coldness and detachment is hurt.

When you say that this is, they say, you walked everything yourself - just to be offended. And I did not say anything like that, and did not do, in general - these are your problems. Himself with them and disassemble.

It hurts.

This, in fact, is very painful.

When they do not want to understand.

And hear.

When there is no elementary regret and sympathy.

And desire to understand - why? Maybe I really did something wrong?

In my childhood, one of two usually talked to my offense.

Or: Well, tear in the mouth of shit and scream.

Or: on offended water is carried.

This is not with evil, I think.

It's just not smarter differently.

But I think so now.

And then it was so painful!



Clean water - betrayal.

And, of course, I did everything possible to not substitute anymore.

And I was silent.

And silent for 30 years.

And I always had everything - approx.

Although in my soul it was already not enough to breathe.

From accumulated pain.



And anger.

And so I was silent to my 30 days when I got sick.

And I did not want to say, but I had to learn to talk again.

About what hurts.

What is hard.

Otherwise it was - not to survive.

Without support.

Without faith, that there are people who do not care.

Who are on your words about what hurts will not grin. Yes, they don't even come to mind!

Because they love you divert.

That's how I need. And be sure to ask: Glory, what's wrong?

Let's talk!

And I still always try to talk if something is wrong.

Even here. In FB.

It would seem that a completely unfamiliar to me to people.

Because, if in response suddenly - mockery and new injection, then nothing terrible.

So, it's just not my person. Not from my life.

So we simply are not on the way.

But if there is at least one chance that a person tells you: "I'm sorry. I didn't want to touch you. So far I don't even understand what exactly I got it. But I see that I was bored. And I feel sorry.

Tell me what? "

Then exactly, the game costs the candle. Even if there are one per million such. Per billion

Because it is a huge buzz.

Suddenly meet another person from his life.

Of who you are on the way.

And who do not give a damn.

This is a gift.

This gift.

And for the sake of it should risk.

And until you risk.

So you do not know - who is who in your life.

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