Nur-Sultan can become a "red" zone by coronavirus

Nur-Sultan can become a
Nur-Sultan can become a "red" zone by coronavirus

Nur-Sultan can become a "red" zone by coronavirus. This was stated by the chief sanitary doctor of the city of Sarkhat Baysenov on January 12th. She also revealed the reasons because of which the authorities of the capital can strengthen quarantine.

In the first half of January 2021, Nur-Sultan is located between the "yellow" and "red" diseases of the incidence of coronavirus, said the chief sanitary doctor of the city of Sarkhat Baysenov. According to her, there is now an increase in the registered diseases.

"This is due, on the one hand, with an increase in the number of tested persons, almost twice, on the other hand, non-compliance with the restrictive measures by citizens on the holidays of New Year's days," the capital of the capital said.

Beissenova noted that in the event of an increase in the registered diseases, more stringent quarantine measures would be adopted by the authorities of the capital. At the same time, she stressed that recently the share of citizens' self-evidence is growing, and this indicates the high responsibility of the population and the proper assessment of the risks associated with coronavirus.

"You can not engage in self-medication. In order to protect yourself, his relatives and others, it is necessary to strictly observe the sannora, wearing masks, "Bessenova summarized.

On the eve of Kazakhstan, 692 cases of coronavirus disease were revealed. Of these, 67 - in the capital. In total, from the beginning of the pandemic, 163,711 people became coronavirus in the country.

On Tuesday, the Almaty region authorities also strengthened quarantine measures in Taldykorgan, ECCELDINA and Coksky districts. New restrictions will be introduced on weekends due to increasing incidence of coronavirus.

Recall that at the end of December 2020, the head of the Government of Kazakhstan Askar Momin gave the production of the Russian COVID-Vaccine "Satellite V" on the Karaganda pharmaceutical complex. It is expected that at its base, 2 million doses of the drug will be phased, with which the population vaccination will be carried out.

Read more about the effectiveness of the Russian vaccine from coronavirus "Satellite V" Read in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

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