Update Google Maps for Android: With a split screen mode, you really see where you are moving


The "Street View" feature has existed for about 10 years. But until recently, the user could not see where it goes. Only visiting the appearance of the street in the circular photo format was available. In January, Google added a separate street viewing mode into its application than simplified the use of the function.

How to use the updated mode

To use the split screen feature, select "Watching the streets". Find the desired location on the map, after which tap the viewing window. Click on the circular expansion / compression button. It will be in the lower right corner of the viewing window. At the bottom of the work space, you will see a small pictogram that allows you to roll the panoramic image. Or open it for half the screen area.

After opening a divided review, the user will be available on the map, as well as the direction of movement in which it looks. The function works perfectly in the landscape orientation. Users also drew attention to locations in view. They are not a novelty, but have undergone small cosmetic changes.

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Split screen mode in Google maps

What did you look before "watching streets" in the smartphone window

The old user interface in version V10.59.1 demonstrated the owner of the smartphone photo of the street from a certain point. It did not have an extension / compression button. Google cards took some time to implement a separate screen, but in the end they managed it.

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What did the old screen of Google Cards looked

It is noteworthy that there were no announcements from Google about innovations. Therefore, service users suggested that the changes touched the software on the server with the Google Card app. As a result, Android users received an unplanned upgrade. Whether changes in Google maps, which work under the IOS operating system, are still unknown.

Message Update in Google Maps for Android: With the split screen mode, you will really see where you move first to information technology.

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