9 of the most failed products and services Google


It is very easy to agree with the fact that only one who is not afraid of something good can do something good, make a mistake and this way to come to the right decision. If you look at Google, then this is the company and is engaged. It will not be exaggerated to say that this is a "brainstorming company." She gave the world a lot of things - various products and services that the whole world enjoys. But there were even more fault developments. It is interesting in them not only that they were a kind of dear to the goal, but also the fact that some of them, having gone, gave the idea and push for other creators to come up with something in a time. I will not idealize the company and say that she is best and ideally sees the future. It will be better to give examples of several of its failed products.

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In the history of Google enough, both takeoffs and falls.

Google Nexus - Google Smartphones

Nexus is a series of smartphones, which has become one of the most insulting victims of Google. While the "grain" Android continues to live and develop with the Pixel lineup and Android One telephones, the Nexus brand gave us some of the best phones with stunning characteristics at affordable prices. Google has never officially killed the Nexus series, but they are not produced and saying that they will begin again, at least not logical.

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Interesting was time.

For a long time, everyone understood that it was necessary to say goodbye to the ruler, as it does not fit out not only in the concept of Google, but also in the world in which we live. Many are missing for these smartphones, but you have to move on.

Years of existence: 2010-2016

Ara Project - Modular Google Smartphone

This speed project was definitely one of the best concepts developed by Google. The idea was to divide all the main components of the smartphone to the modular parts. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars to update the entire phone, customers would simply update the specific component and received new characteristics.

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It would be something like replacing the hard disk or video card in the computer. Or something like replacing shock absorbers and wheels in the car. So it was possible to simultaneously and customize the smartphone, and save on the purchase of a new device, constantly hanging on it all new and new components.

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Would you like the revival of this idea?

These ambitious plans gradually dissolved in the unification stream and the market did not support this undertaking. Something similar tried to do Motorola, but she had a speech soon about the addition of various body kit, and not about the deep integration of new components. Looking back, it becomes a bit sad, because now in order to get the camera a little better than it was before, you need to buy a new smartphone, and the price of flagships has already exceeded 1000 dollars.

Years of existence: 2014 - 2016

Chromecast Audio - Audio broadcast device

Chromecast Audio was a branch of a popular gadget from Google, which allowed users to redirect digital music libraries to normal speakers via a 3.5 mm connector or a mini-toslink connector. So you could make wireless any speakers with the specified connectors.

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You had such.

CHROMECAST AUDIO production was discontinued in January 2019. It has become a massive output of low-cost devices with Bluetooth or built-in CROMECAST. And the speakers with voice assistants received wide distribution, which also played an important role in the fact that Chromecast Audio is now simply not. But many of those who bought this gadget still enjoy them.

Years of existence: 2015-2019

Google Play Editions - What was before Android One

Android One Predecessors, Google Play Edition phones, were essentially conventional Samsung, HTC smartphones, and other manufacturers with standard Android. But it was possible to buy them almost only google.

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The conveyance included versions of the favorite Google Play phones, such as Samsung Galaxy S4, Moto G and HTC One. Now the return of this line of activity of the company is already hardly anyone wants, but to develop its follower - Android One - it is necessary. For sure, many will be delighted.

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At one time, Google Play Editions was a great idea, but his time was gone ..

Years of existence: 2013-2015

Created as a simple tool to reduce web addresses, Google closed GOO.GL shortly before its tenth birthday. In addition to reducing URLs, the GOO.GL links can also send web users directly to certain applications on iOS and Android.

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Links after cutting became beautiful and did not look like a deployed something. It was especially important when placed in the description of the rollers on YouTube. And you could still track the statistics of transitions and some other things that helped make the content better. We often used these links, and when the service closed, it became a bit sad. Even despite the fact that there are other cuts, this is the brainchild Google will forever in history.

Years of existence: 2008-2018

Google answers - how to get an answer to the question

"Answers" intended for inquisitive people who ask questions to the Internet community. As a result, like many good undertakings, the idea went wrong, and the people themselves were completely spoiled, who turned the service in madness, full trolls and spammers.

The biggest error in the history of samsung.

The service closed in 2006, but then returned several times as an integral part of some Google products. Some companies try to offer something and now (for example, Mail.Ru), but they still do not have to talk about the success of the format.

Years of existence: 2002-2006

Google Goggles - Analogue Google Lens

Google Goggles is a very raw, buggy and constantly mistaken version of Google Lens or Google Lens. So the company tried to create a software that on the basis of photography could offer the user what he sees in front of himself.

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Here, too, somehow did not work out

There is a feeling that the company experimented a lot with the format, drove it into a dead end, but came up with something good. As a result, the developments were transferred to a new product with a clean name and an unmail reputation, and the old project was buried. One thing can be said for sure. If someone says that he enjoyed the service on an ongoing basis, he is lying.

Years of existence: 2010 - 2018

Google Hands Free - Purchase Payments

To say this service is particularly nothing. It was not available everywhere, but worked only two years. Many still have discomfort, paying a smartphone, not a card or cash. But if for this it was still necessary to say out loud "I will pay through Google", the situation became even more strange. In general, as a way to confirm transactions, it is possible to use a voice, but Google not in vain refused its service. In smartphones, he is not a place.

Years of existence: 2016-2017

Google Plus - Google Social Network

The long-awaited Answer Answer what was able to make Facebook, got the name of Google Plus (or Google+). He was launched in 2011, but even then it was clear that the attempt was unlikely to be successful. As a result, like the other IT-Industry giant (Apple), it failed.

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Another good idea that did not stand the competition.

Google's social network did not even gain a minor fraction of Facebook's popularity, despite all search giant resources. The last redesign turned the site into something like a tape based tape. But the last nail, the Google Plus cover, was associated with a serious need to remake the confidentiality and security components of the platform. This had to do after finding a serious security hole.

Many are still confident that it was Google Plus that became the biggest Fiasco Google during its existence.

Years of existence: 2011-2019

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