There was a real chance to make Astrakhan cleaner


Problems with garbage were, there are, alas, will be relevant long enough. Despite comprehensive lighting, indignation of citizens, large-scale measures of the authorities, the feeling remains that it is not solved. Reports, reports, reinforced public utility patrols on the one hand, on the other - container sites, garbage of which will fly around around the district, the currency of citizens throwing it in improper places.

Astrakhan never differed in particular purity, but with an increase in consumption, the amount of waste has increased significantly, the largest attack of which is plastic in all its numerous versions.

Among all this disgrace, people and whole environmental movements appear, whose task is to change the attitude towards Musor, first of all, in their consciousness.

Astrakhan regularly undergoes shares organized by the volunteer ecological project "Astrarsbor". They pass from the summer of 2018. In two and a half years, the number of Astrakhans participating in these promotions increased tenfold.

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Motion activists work closely with those who export collected and sorted garbage for further recycling, in particular, with the regional operator "Ecocenter". Private donations help to carry out their activities while the well-known and understandable not everyone.

In some areas of Astrakhan installed small grids for collecting plastic and glass, but they are not enough. At the same time, a certain circle of people is formed in the city, for whom the separation of garbage has become an absolutely familiar thing, as for Astrakhanka Tatyana Bives:

- I am engaged in sorting my home garbage for about two years, it is not at all difficult. At first I learned about the Ecological and Charitable Project "Good Lids", which works throughout Russia and in other states. In many supermarkets there are containers for collecting plastic covers from plastic bottles, and the remedy means from their processing go to the help of sick children. It was from this initiative that I began to regularly attend activities for receiving garbage for processing.

Now I will sort the garbage on the balcony in the following directions: cardboard, plastic bottles, separately covers from them, tin caps, wires from champagne, glass, dental brushes, Tetra Pak, blisters from drugs.

Places of collection, as well as the participants in this volunteer movement, are changing, but I always follow this through the instagram of astrast. Quite long, the guys organized their shares in the courtyard of the "cult bar" and in the Museum of the City History. Now they often take place at the Garage site. As far as I know, from the museum court, on Ulyanovsky Street, volunteers were supposed to be supposedly due to the complaints that the museum is turned into a garbage. It is rather strange, as the shares passed there once a month and lasted only a few hours. At the same time, the organizers extremely neat people, but, apparently, in the history of the city, a separate garbage collection can not be hit.

I like that in Astrakhan appeared the opportunity to do what the entire civilized world is engaged. I also nice to realize that I was involved in the rational consumption of things. In the whole world, it is not forced to buy clothing in second-handed, to participate in all sorts of swaps (exchange of things). People sometimes do not notice how much waste they throw, and when sorting you clearly see that your garbage basket gradually becomes less.

Ideally, I would like to have a composter - a special unit processing food waste into a liquid that could serve as a fertilizer for plants.

It is also gratifying to observe how in our city the number of people consciously related to ecology increases: more and more Astrakhans are engaged in the division of garbage and its surrender to recycling. The main thing is that children are attracted to this process, in which an environmental consciousness has been formed from the smallest years. In our eyes, a generation appears with new views on vital problems. Unfortunately, many of our fellow citizens not only did not dose before the separation of waste of their livelihoods, they can not convey garbage to a regular container.

This year's first separate garbage collection was held in the area of ​​the large Isad, in one of the courtyards on Babushkin Street. It was surprising to observe how the giant shopping district reigned around the permanent mess around the permanent mess, people brought or brought the garbage carefully on the fraction: from the vehicle to plastic cards. Against the background of the gray January day and the sad doomes, a rainbow picture arose with some special energy, where even the garbage did not seem trash, but a certain element seeking to rebirth into something useful and new. And let our city be on a million share, but still became cleaner.

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