"Latvian language and literature is our wealth," and the reform of the shupinsky deprives us, says teachers' trade union


The Latvian Education Union of Education and Science (Lizda) turned with an open letter to the Deputies of the Seimas in the hope of a constructive discussion between professionals in order to normally appreciate the Minister of Education Ilga Shupinskaya reform of education of competence, because of which it seems to suffer from Latvian, writes BB .lv

The trade union received complaints from teachers who are outraged that in the content of the new education of competence for Latvian language and literature allocated too little hours, which is why it is almost impossible to fully study the items. Teachers emphasize that under the threat is the possibility of schoolchildren to study objects and the very development of the Latvian language.

The State Standard of Literature and Latvian language in high school is 420 hours in three years of study - two hours a week. Teachers believe that the language in a new approach is not taught as a system, but as separate elements outside the context, the main emphasis is on the text, but a systemic look and approach is necessary.

Teachers emphasize that students should get acquainted with the classics of world and Latvian literature, they should receive an idea of ​​literature as an art that has developed into a certain cultural era and context. The teacher should awaken in the student an interest in the newest literature, an understanding that reading good literature means participating in a meaningful conversation that it is important for you.

To be able to perceive and understand the literature as a language of art, theoretical knowledge is needed, which is not enough in the new curriculum. Literature is part of Latvian national identity, reminds Lizda.

Teachers are perplexed because of the inadequate quality of some teaching aids and books. Pedagogues note that the process of developing textbooks took place in a very big hurry, and significant reviewers were not taken into account.

Inga Vanaga, Chairman Lizda, notes that this problem concerns not only the practical implementation of the education of competence, but also the issue of national identity.

"The new content is introduced from the fall of this school year, so it is important to talk about identified problems and quickly look for solutions, because Latvian language and literature are our wealth, value and a national symbol," she said.

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