Wearing device that helps with men's sexual dysfunction


Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual dysfunction, which is estimated, affects 30% of all men.

Researchers are not sure what causes premature ejaculation, but it is associated with such health problems such as prostatitis, anxiety and other psychological difficulties. In addition, men with erectile dysfunction may experience premature ejaculation because they learned to ejaculate before the loss of erection.

At the newly ended CES 2021 virtual exhibition, one of the most interesting medical innovations was the product of the American company Morari Medical, which is just intended to assist patients with such sexual dysfunction. This device is a patch with a neurostimulator, which is fixed on the perineum and is activated using a wireless device using Bluetooth. The electrical impulses of the plaster slow down the transmission of nerve signals into the brain, which lead to premature ejaculation.

Currently, preparation and a set of participants have been completed for conducting a study that assess the efficiency and ease of use of the Morari patch, who experience difficulties in connection with premature ejaculation. The study is aimed at improving sexual health with neuromodulation. The study has already been approved by the Institutional Control Council, which considers whether research is safe and ethical to human participation. Preliminary research results are expected by the end of the first quarter of 2021.

Wearing device that helps with men's sexual dysfunction 13628_1

"In the field of men's sexual dysfunction, such a study of Morari is very significant," said Dr. Matthegelmann (Matthew Ziegelmann), the MAYO clinic urologist (USA). - Despite the current treatment options, premature ejaculation remains a serious problem for many men, so a new approach. Morari to develop a product using science and data is welcomed by the medical community. "

Over the past year, Morari Medical has conducted testing and refining its patch in order to improve efficiency and ease of use. Bluetooth technology allows you to activate and manage a patch from a smartphone on the Android or iOS platform. The company also picked up the most suitable adhesives for a patch to ensure its clutch, but prevent inconvenience when deleting.

Morari Medical experts hope that by the end of 2021 the company will already provide consumers the first in its kind wearable device, a decisive problem that torments many men.

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