The benefits and harm of melon seeds

The benefits and harm of the Domade Melon Seeds

We used to eating only melon flesh, throwing out the peel and seeds. But did you think about what contains the melon seeds? What kind of benefits can bring the melon seeds to our body? Let's talk in detail about it.

Melon refers to the pool family. Everyone knows about the benefits of pumpkin seeds and use them into food. But melon seeds remain aside, and no one thinks about it.

As it turned out, it is not worth throwing this product at all.

Use of melon seeds

Melon seeds contain a whole complex of vitamins, minerals. Among which:

  • Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamins Group V. They are responsible for the work of the heart, kidneys, growth and restoration of fabrics.
  • Pectin in melon seeds binds to pesticides and heavy metals in the body and displays them out. Also constant use of pectin slows the aging of the body.
  • Use melon seeds is useful for the male sex to improve the potency due to the high content of zinc, iodine.
  • Melon seeds normalize cholesterol and improve memory.
  • Venas melon seeds for soft laxative and diuretic effect.
  • An expectorant action is another benefit.
  • If you have a dry skin, brittle hair and nails of seeds melon your assistant! Due to the high content of protein and fatty oils.
How to use melon seeds?

How best to eat melon seeds?

Now just season melon. And this means you can make reserves of the future. To do this, take out seeds of melons, rinse them under running water through a colander and under natural way. Seeds are good to dry outdoors (on the balcony), groaning gauze from insects.

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The benefits and harm of the Domade Melon Seeds

Fully dried seeds are stored in a paper package or in a glass jar to 2 years.

Before using grinding melon seeds in a coffee grinder to the state of shallow flour.

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The benefits and harm of the Domade Melon Seeds
The benefits and harm of melon seeds 13610_4
The benefits and harm of the Domade Melon Seeds

Grinding in a coffee grinder

The resulting flour from seeds can be dissolved as an additive to food (for example, in a soup) or pour 1 tablespoon of flour melon seeds with a glass of warm water, stir and drink during the day. It is not recommended to use such a drink on an empty stomach.

Do not be lazy, read and possible contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of melon seeds

When using any product, remember: everything is good in moderation. Melon seeds are not a means of all diseases, they are only an additional source of vitamins and minerals.

The use of melon seeds is prohibited in the following cases:

  • pregnant and nursing women;
  • People with a stomach ulcer, as well as with an increased concentration of gastric juice;
  • If you follow the calorie content of your diet, be careful: 100 g of melon seeds contain 555 kcal, since melon seeds are 50% composed of fat and 30% of the protein. Daily dose should not exceed 100 g.
  • Individual intolerance to the components;
  • It is impossible to eat melon seeds with alcohol, honey or milk.

Thanks for attention!

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