Skoda has given valuable advice on coronavirus protection


Skoda has given valuable advice on coronavirus protection 13581_1

The Chief Medic of Skoda Yana Parmova says that when moving on his car, it is better not to take companions. If all the same transportation of foreign people cannot be avoided, it is important to make sure that they have no signs of infection with coronavirus infection. When contacting passengers, you need to use masks and respirators. This is what the Czech specialists were advised.


Before the trip and after it, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect all the surfaces with which the driver and its passengers come into contact. Among other things, in the number of what needs to be disinfected, includes the steering wheel and its buttons, the gearbox handle, the parking brake knob, external and internal door handles. This measure is especially relevant for those who are transporting foreign people, such as taxi drivers, as well as for those who use carcharing services.

To eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, experts are recommended to use household cleaners. So, any chemistry in which more than 70% of alcohol is suitable for the disinfection of the car. Alcohol can also be used to handle seats. It is necessary to ensure that you do not overdo it and do not wet the tissue areas so that they become wet. Leather products should not rub much.

In order to avoid damage to the materials, hydrogen peroxide should not be used. For processing the elements of the cabin, rags made of microfiber.

After disinfection

After the car was disinfected, it should be carefully ventilated. You also need to follow the cleanliness of the air conditioning system. To do this, you can use sprays that are created to clean the air conditioning and ventilation system. This remedy is not able to eliminate viruses in the system, but it will help significantly reduce the risk that Coronavirus is justified there.

How to fill the car

It is desirable to maximize the number of contacts with gas station workers. A good option will be visited by stations where independent refueling is possible. After the machine is refilled, it is necessary to disinfect your hands. To do this, you should always have an antiseptic with you. Payment for fuel is better with the help of bank cards or smartphones. If you refuel at the maximum, the number of visits to the gas station will be significantly reduced.


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