How does a man behaved with low self-esteem in relationships


When you love a man with low self-esteem, you need to know a few things. And it is desirable to be ready for them in advance. We describe those who are characterized by men with low self-esteem behavior, which can be a real test for a woman who is next to him.

Attention and praise from

He can crave on the side. Thereby increasing their self-esteem. And it can manifest itself both in harmless flirting and more serious adventures. He may want people to tell him what he is good, handsome, smart, since he is crazy about attention from the side. But not from yours. Your attention and praise him will not prove anything. Whatever wonderful you are, his euphoria will be from you, and it will be required other evidence. It should be exactly the opinion on the part that he tells him that since others consider him cool, then he is such.

Pleasure from your sufferings

A man with low self-esteem may like to hurt you and suffering. He may like to divert your advantages. He sees how his partner passes through the suffering and humiliation caused to him, and as if it proves to himself that he is worthy to suffer because of him. He is trying to lower you to the level on which he feels like. He sees you above himself, and will always see if he does not be able to cope with his self-esteem. Therefore, his humiliation may never stop.

Concern and desire to prove something to the world

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Photo by jake ingle from stocksnap

He can constantly want to create something or change something, but only to show that it is capable of. He wishes to create that life that also proves him and others that he is a valuable person. But this is an incorrect motivation that can lead to failure and even greater sincere torments. After all, he puts on its value, and the result will be an indicator for him, it is or not.


Dusty jealousy, which hides the fear of emptiness, in case of your care, can push him into rudeness. In essence, this is self-defense, which it cannot control.

No life in present

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Photo by aziz acharki from stocksnap

Many men with low self-esteem live past. Live memories of those achievements that they had. Live with suffering in the possibilities that missed. They may feel the disappointment of the family and hate themselves because of this, more with more power. Either there may be an inverse situation. A man can live only by the future. It will be immersed in fantasy and crave a sweet moment of relief. But at the same time, he will constantly accompany the fears about themselves today.

It is likely that he loves you. But he does not like himself. And it opens the doors to the darkest corners of his soul, crowded suffering and neurosis. Try to talk to your man. Tell me that you love it. Tell me that he is a valuable and decent person. Try to contact a specialist. It is necessary because it suffers not only, but you are. But if he still refuses to change his life and go to meet you, then your efforts will be vain.

Publication of the site-primary source Amelia.

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