7 simple ways to trim the branches of trees and shrubs


    Good afternoon, my reader. When trimming branches, it is worth remembering about the main principle that can be characterized by a well-known proverb: "Some seven times, a rejection once." Before removing any escape, you need to know how to cut it and for what. If the plant is wrong to cut, then you can destroy it.

    7 simple ways to trim the branches of trees and shrubs 13539_1
    7 simple ways to trim the branches of trees and shrubs Maria Verbilkova

    This method is suitable for those plants that did not cut last season, and also save the tree with improper pruning. In fact, it is replacing old branches on new ones. With the help of rejuvenating equipment, it is possible to restore not only the decorative type of plant, but also its natural forces, and by which way:
    1. Crop the old, patients and poorly developed branches.
    2. Young shoots shorten by a third.
    3. Subsequently, periodically cut forward the crown.

    In order for the fruit trees to give a good harvest, their shoots should be at least two years. But the older the branches become, the stronger they begin to bend down and every while they are fruitful and smaller. Therefore, that the tree continue to bear fruit, such branches need to be removed. In this case, you can use the transformation technique to the side branch.

    7 simple ways to trim the branches of trees and shrubs 13539_2
    7 simple ways to trim the branches of trees and shrubs Maria Verbilkova

    Such a trimming is used to change the direction of the branch growth. This contributes to a speedy change in leafy shoots into the fruit, even the acceleration of the development of fruits is even noted. To achieve this, you need to find the branch, which is located most successfully, and cut down the part of the growth over it. As a result, Croon is adjusted so that the branches do not interfere with each other, and the fruits pass quite light rays.

    The basis of this technique is the rejuvenating trimming. It is only carried out with a more radical way. That is, the plants are cut off all branches and only stump remains.

    This type of trimming is well suited for plants that have new shoots that quickly appear. For example, it is wowing, wild walnut or dend white. To make them more attractive, you need to cut them annually.

    This technique is best suited if the branch broke down, dried, stopped fruit or weakened and should be removed immediately. It is carried out in a few steps:
    1. Garden secator applied parallel to the barrel to the base of the branch, that is, the so-called ring.
    2. Cut a branch.
    3. Clean the location of the slice with a sharp knife. Before this it is recommended to disinfect.
    4. Treat the "wound" with an antiseptic and to cover the garden putty.

    Note. Wipes are vertically growing young shoots. Very often they appear in sections after severe trimming.

    They slow down the growth of the main side branches and reduce the fertility of the tree. Wipes thicken the crown, which can negatively affect the plant. Therefore, you need to cut them regularly. It is best to do this at the end of February, the technique of trimming on the ring is usually used. But you can break the wolf and in early June, when they are obsessed.

    With this technique, the branch is not entirely cut, but simply shorten. It helps to fire the crown, and also activates the growth of the lateral shoots of the plant. The branch is cut over the kidney overlooking the crown, so:

    1. To retreat from the kidney about 3-5 mm.
    2. Garden secateur arrange at an angle of approximately 30 degrees.
    3. Cut a branch.

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