Farvateter is strengthened on Mars: Martian city on planet Earth acquires reality


In order to be in the Martian city itself, it is not necessary to be the first colonist to reach the red planet on the cosmole of Ilona Mask. The whole Martian city is designed (the concept is selected) on for the construction, but not on Mars, but on Earth in the UAE. Perhaps soon it will not be necessary to fly on Mars, and to understand what to be a Martian colonist, it will be necessary to just live in the real Martian city.

The UAE is planning to create the first inhabited human settlement on Mars to 2117. His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed Ben Rashid said that this project was seed, which the UAE is planted today and expect that future generations will be rejected by the fruits moving by their passion to learn to disclose new knowledge.

But this is the case of the future. But now architects understand how the Martian city should look like. The project was called Mars Sayens City and will take 176,000 square meters of desert. The desert is suitable for the construction of a similar place, as the most around the most unfavorable conditions. Is there a better place for such a project?

The architects were asked to design a city for Mars, but in the subsequent adapting it to build on Earth.

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Dubai Space Center named after Mohammed Ben Rashida (MBRSC)

On Mars there are no conditions for human accommodation. Architects have to solve numerous tasks that no one has decided. Mars has a thin atmosphere and has no magnetic field, so there is little protection against harmful radiation. But for the inquisitive mind, this is not a problem.

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Dubai Space Center named after Mohammed Ben Rashida (MBRSC)

In addition, Mars is very cold - 63 degrees Celsius (-81 degrees Fahrenheit). A rarefied atmosphere also means a small air pressure, so the fluids quickly evaporate in gas. The dwelling must be done the most high-tech to resist all these factors. Solar panels will be used as a source of energy.

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Dubai Space Center named after Mohammed Ben Rashida (MBRSC)

To maintain a comfortable temperature and a suitable air pressure, the Martian city will consist of sealed "biodoms". Oxygen produced by electricity in underground ice will fill each "biod to".

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Dubai Space Center named after Mohammed Ben Rashida (MBRSC)

As the population grows Mars "Biodom" will be connected together with the help of special transitions. Surely a special gateway system will be made so that in the event of a freelancer you can instantly block the compartment. Inside the move will be comfortable. Everything will be electrified so that there are no harmful emissions. While it remains a mystery, how to organize any high-scale transport within the city to move emergency representatives.

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Dubai Space Center named after Mohammed Ben Rashida (MBRSC)

The power supply of the Martian city will occur due to the installation of solar panels. Buildings will be located inside the domes. Installation of buildings will be carried out using 3D printers, and the discharged atmosphere will allow the specified temperature under the dome.

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Dubai Space Center named after Mohammed Ben Rashida (MBRSC)

In the Martian version of the city, not just windows will be made, but light portholes that will be filled with water. Water windows should have protected residents from radiation, allowing the light to penetrate underground rooms.

Martian weak gravity will allow you to create an amazing architecture. This will enable the architects in the future to retreat from the rules adopted on the planet and may have a new type of architecture - "Martian Renaissance" or something else. It is likely that the Martian architecture will soon become a scientific discipline, and with it others. A different planet requires other approaches to everything.

While all this as ideas, ideas, concept. Let's return to the earthly version of the Martian city. On Earth, it will not be necessary to create pressure inside the domes and fill in them with oxygen. Will not do water windows, to protect against radiation. Mars Science City is just one part of the ambitious space program conducted by the Dubai Space Center named after Mohammed Ben Rashid.

However, the main problem is still not technical. Science is sufficiently developed to develop a project and make adjustments as needed. According to Jonathan Istuda, director of the space laboratory in the Imperial College of London, who is not connected with Dubai project, the problems of life on Mars go far beyond technical issues. "I think the biggest problem from the point of view of sustainable presence on Mars is not Engineering [or scientific] problem, and human [and] personal, "Eastudes explained.

We will closely monitor this project.

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