US, RF, PRC, India and Japan have fallen into a list of the strongest world armies


Note that, according to Global Firepower, neither the Army of Turkey, neither the army of Israel, nor the Armed Forces of Iran, could not get into the top ten.

The Global Firepower Edition was the traditional top of the strongest world armies. It is reported that in the study of journalists, many individual factors are taken into account: military power, logistics opportunities, geography, defense budget, and so on. In total, there are more than five dozen different factors in the list of editions that allow armies of various countries to be honest to compete with each other. Moreover, as researchers declare, a unique calculation formula allows smaller, more technologically developed countries to compete in the ranking with larger, but less developed countries.

US, RF, PRC, India and Japan have fallen into a list of the strongest world armies 13519_1

To determine the rating position, a special PWRLNDX index is taken into account, the less its value, the theoretically stronger the army. Note that nuclear potential is not accepted. In total, there are 139 positions in the ranking. The first place went to the United States. The rating of American military power and the army amounted to 0.0718. The second place is held by the Armed Forces of Russia, which were evaluating PWRLNDX - 0.0791.

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"The Russian Federation was able to restore military potential after the post-Soviet crisis and implements many projects for the modernization of the Air Force and the Navy. And the results of this work are noticeable in 2021. Now Russia has a new generation of submarines armed with strategic and cruise missiles. This allows it to reduce the lag from American competitors. "

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The third and fourth place was taken by the Army of the People's Republic of China and India, and the fifth line got the Japan sun. The outsider of the list with the last 139 place is the boutane army.

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Note that, according to Global Firepower, neither the Army of Turkey, neither the army of Israel, nor the Armed Forces of Iran, could not get into the top ten. The honorable tenth line is firmly occupied by Pakistan.

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From among the US Allies on NATO, only Britain and France entered the top ten. According to the study, the Sun Poland is located on the 23rd place between Taiwan and Vietnam, and Ukraine took the 25th position. The army of the Allied Russia of Belarus, the authors put on the 50th line. Baltic members of NATO (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) received 85, 97 and 109th place, respectively.

Previously, the "military case" edition told how the weapons of the Soviet Army were divided after the collapse of the USSR.

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