Pruning grapes: how to exclude errors


Good afternoon, my reader. In order not to harm when trimming the grape bush, it is necessary to learn all the rules for the formation and basic errors of novice gardeners. Incorrect trimming can destroy the bush or at best, leave without a crop. Caring for grapes takes a lot of time, but with experience does not give much trouble. Young plants, still bringing fruit, clip only in spring. Starting from a one-year-old, the bushes of grapes are cut off annually in the fall, two weeks after harvesting. If you did not have time to cut a bush in the autumn period, then it is necessary to do this in the spring, before the start of the growing season. There are also types of summer and brightening bush trimming.

Pruning grapes: how to exclude errors 13512_1
Pruning grapes: how to exclude Mary Verbilkova errors

Pruning grapes. (Photo used by standard license ©

  1. It is advisable to remove 50% of the fruitful bush. It is not necessary to regret the plant and trim only the tops of the shoots, this procedure will inevitably lead to a thickening of the bush and the thinning of the vine. Nutrients and sunlight are worse than the fruits, as a result, their taste quality and yield are strongly reduced.
  2. A long-term long loose is more than 40 cm long, they depart from the central trunk, with proper formation, the strain leaves 2-3 sleeves, over time, as a result of prolonged trimming, you can get up to six sleeves. Remove old not fruiting branches and a young thin vine thickening shrub. Pruning is produced only on one side of the sleeve.
  3. When trimming young year old shoots, it is necessary to make a cut completely, not leaving hemp. When trimming adult shoots, Prenok should be less than one centimeter.
  4. Conducting optimally late in autumn, by 14-20 days after leaffall. It is important that the air temperature does not fall below -3 degrees. The minus of autumn trimming is the probability of cutting and drying the tops of the taps, but there is a large plus - the autumn trimming stimulates the early bloaving of the kidneys, which is important for regions with a cold climate. The minus of spring trimming is that there is a possibility of a large loss of juice, the bush begins to cry, which leads to a decrease in yield, and sometimes to the death of the plant.
  5. Regular passing is needed by grapes, stepsing take power from the main vine and make escape weak. If you do not conduct steaming, the bush may not survive the winter. When the sinuses of the leaves grow steps with one or two sheets, they must be removed, pouring sprouts. Cleaning from stepsing is beginning before flowering and it is required to produce it during the whole summer season, looking for a bushes weekly.
Pruning grapes: how to exclude errors 13512_2
Pruning grapes: how to exclude Mary Verbilkova errors

Pruning grapes. (Photo used by standard license ©

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