What to do to the potato does not dry in the apartment?


After cleaning the potatoes there is a problem, as not to lose the crop throughout the winter. The best option is the temperature cellar in the range of 2-3 degrees and a humidity of about 85-90%. But in the absence of this room, you have to keep tubers in an apartment where the air is dry and constantly supported by a fairly warm atmosphere. To potatoes do not dry, you need to use some proven methods.

What to do to the potato does not dry in the apartment? 13497_1
What to do to the potato does not dry in the apartment? Maria Verbilkova

Characteristics affecting potato safety

The focus of potato tubers, except for storage conditions, determine other factors:

Grade culture

Pay attention to the dates of ripening tubers. Early grades are stored no longer than two months, so they grow them for immediate use. Until spring, it may not lose the commodity type of medium-or late-veterinary potatoes.

Growing conditions

It should be borne in mind that tubers that mature during the period of dry and overly hot weather will be worse stored, as there are insufficient moisture in their composition. Such a potato gives sprouts after 2-3 months.

What to do to the potato does not dry in the apartment? 13497_2
What to do to the potato does not dry in the apartment? Maria Verbilkova

It is reflected on the degree of focus of potato harvest of excessive use of organic fertilizers. For example, an excess of nitrogen contributes to an increase in sugars concentration, which increases the risk of developing various diseases.

Level harvesting period

Reflects negatively on the duration of storage both overly early and overly late collection of potatoes. Pay attention to the main signs indicating that the tubers are highly ripe:

  • Drying tops;
  • Good ripening of peel, which should not be easy to peel from the pulp.

For cleaning chosen dry day. The tubers are important to competently prepare for subsequent storage, performing several operations:

  1. Dug-up potatoes are scattered in the sun for 2 hours, so that the soil is dry.
  2. Withstand the harvest of 2 weeks in a cool unwanted place with high-quality ventilation. Such an event allows the peel to finally dry. And during this time, signs of diseases will appear more clearly.
  3. Then spend sorting, selecting only healthy tubers. Instances with mechanical damage quickly need to use for cooking.
What to do to the potato does not dry in the apartment? 13497_3
What to do to the potato does not dry in the apartment? Maria Verbilkova

Potato storage methods in the apartment

In the absence of a cellar or basement, it is necessary to consider how to place the harvest at home. There are several options:


Humidity and temperature indicators in the home unit are identical to the atmosphere of the cellar, but the volume does not allow you to put a lot of vegetables into it. If you need to save a small number of tubers, then the refrigerator will be optimal conditions. Hold them in a vegetable compartment or on the lower shelf.


Suitable for the placement on the winter season of potato harvest tambour, equipped on the site in the entrance. It is important to close the box with vegetables on the castle.


Potatoes on a glazed balcony or loggia are preserved. Previously need to insulate this room. It is impossible to keep the tuber to light, as this leads to an increase in the concentration of toxic solarine.

If a frosty winter is expected, then equip a special design of two wooden boxes inserted into each other. The space between their walls is filled with insulation or dried sawdust. From above covered with a blanket.


You can use for storing potatoes home pantry, in which there is no lighting and temperature lower than in the apartment.

Typically, the area allows you to deliver several grids with tubers that will not create interference. It is impossible to keep potatoes in hermetically closed incredible tanks so as not to cause rotting.


You can put potatoes in the kitchen. They laid it away from heating devices, provide reliable protection against light. In the walls, drawers need to drill holes for ventilation. In winter, to reduce excessive dryness of air, it is set not far from the potatoes, open containers filled with water, or include a household humidifier.

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