"Telekinosis": when your friend in the blood


Cocktail from adolescent fears and complexes

"Carrie", the debut of Stephen King is considered to be many fans hardly to his best work. The statement is controversial, and in theory, the debate on this occasion could once again flared up after the new screening, which would push the audience to acquire a new circulation with the CO-art on the covers. Alas, but, as the hero of Schwarzenegger spoke with a monstrous accent in the "Red Head", "this will not happen."

Telekinosis: Watch Movie Online

Not sure whether it is worth perceiving a ridiculous film-called film as a film shielding or as a remake of the film Brian de Palm of the 76th year, but the comparison of old and new films will be inevitable. The genome masterpiece de Palm has turned the whimsal-shaped romance, which is on a third - a collage of newspaper clippings and memories of eyewitnesses, and in two other parts are conducted from the people of unreliable narrator, in the cinematic cocktail of Molotov, a boiling boiler with a concentrated dose of adolescent fears and complexes. No wonder the film's final caused the association with the ending of Bonnie and Clyde in its time, where the idyllic adheres of two legendary criminal lovers are interrupted by the bloody slaughter.

Kimberly Pierce ("Guys do not cry") literally cursed the original picture, except that inserting an iPhones into the plot, which schoolgirls capture the hysteria of Carrie, and removing the beloved Polyecran. The main difference and at the same time the most serious drawback of the "Telekinis" is Mussyaster of the main heroine. Chloe Grace Market is absolutely not suitable for the role of anterorated, depressed girl, and this is all its previous experience in movies. No matter how much the creators of the film, the cleaner cannot turn into a gray mouse and white crow. The other item is also important, which is not related to the acting apple or the talent of the reincarnation, but to external data - the worker clearly looks brighter than Sissi Sissek. Even with an unfounded hair and a look, Carry's frozen looks in surprise winning than her supposedly cool and bold classmates. Typical for all Hollywood films turning the fault in a white swan due to getting rid of glasses and beautiful hairstyles here does not work - the girl and without such tricks looks not so bad.

Yet more questions, it is not a casting on a major role, but a director. It would seem that the woman who removed the "guys do not cry" could make "Carrie" with a loud feminist statement, make a greater emphasis on the topic of adults and sexual awakening of a teenage girl. Instead, we show an imperious teenage chorror in the spirit of the film "Bearing Death" Jeremy Hepta, where the main character named Tamara looked much more convincing and as a girlfriend, and in the image of the fateful avenger. One does not take away - the cleaner again makes his job with pleasure, only now with the help of the telekinease issued in the name. In this senior, no one doubted.

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