The activities of companies with the participation of the state want to change due to Kashagan


The activities of companies with the participation of the state want to change due to Kashagan

The activities of companies with the participation of the state want to change due to Kashagan

Astana. March 24. KazTAG - The activities of companies involving the state want to change due to the Kashagan field, the agency correspondent reports.

"In the activities carried out by subsidiaries, dependent legal entities of national managers of holding, national holdings and other legal entities, more than 50% of the shares (share in the authorized capital) of which belong to the state, and affiliated with them: a string, sequence number 162, set forth As follows: "Activities in the field of engineering design, with the exception of nuclear industry facilities and nuclear energy, only within the framework of those projects where the share of legal entities is 50% and more," the draft government decree.

In this case, an innovation can be introduced into the current wording of words "only within the framework of those projects where the share of legal entities is 50% or more."

"On the basis of the appeal of NIPINFTEGAZ JSC, on the transmission of the organization's contracts, affiliated with the NC KazMunayGas JSC, at the Kashagan field, as well as the appeal of the Kazakhstan Institute of Oil and Gas Institute, on the issue of competition in engineering services in the oil and gas industry, The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the name of the head of state made information on measures to limit the entrepreneurial activities of the state in terms of the introduction of a ban on the participation of the quasi-state sector in competitive procurement, if there are competitors from the private business, which were approved, "is stated in justification for the amendment.

As noted, in this regard, as well as considering the repeated appeal of Samruk-Kazyna FNB of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, under the possibility of transfer of the transfer to 2022, the procedure for excluding project activities from the Charter of KazMunayGas-Engineering LLP to revise the NK KazMunayGas JSC operating model management Assets and employment released workers (about 700 people), chaired by the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Timur Suleimenov, a meeting was held with the participation of ministries of national economy, Energy, JSC "Samruk-Kazyna," NK KazMunayGas JSC and Kazakhstan Institute JSC Oil and gas "(applicant of appeal).

"According to the results of this meeting, the Ministries of National Economic and Energy are instructed to analyze the state of competition in the design of the design in the field of hydrocarbons. Ministries of the National Economy and Energy proposed to preserve the activities of KazMunayGas-Engineering LLP only within the framework of the projects of NK KazMunayGas JSC with a share of participation of more than 50%, as well as prohibit project activities in other projects after the completion of all obligations undertaken (approved by the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan ). In this regard, in the address of KMG Engineering LLP, the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan on coordinating the change in the activities approved by the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in terms of conservation of the activities of KMG Engineering LLP, only as part of those Projects where the share of JSC "NK KazMunayGas" is 50% or more, "- clarified in justification.

In connection with the above, according to the developers, the draft Decree of the Government was designed to fulfill the instructions of the First Deputy Prime Minister Alikhan Smafov dated December 30, 2020 to the resolution of the Presidential Administration Head of October 8, 2020, "who was entrusted to work out the relevant amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan Of December 28, 2015 No. 1095, on the issue of competition in the field of engineering services in the oil and gas industry.

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