Coloring Design: Basic Errors


    Good afternoon, my reader. Before creating a flower garden, you need to choose the style and forms that will fully comply with the local area. So the garden will not only be made with taste, but also fit into the already existing structure. Pre-gardening flowering will help solve all these tasks before the start of work. The form and size will first depend on the area and location of the land plot, and after the preferences of the homeowners. If the plants are chosen correctly, then they will delight the hosts and guests.

    Coloring Design: Basic Errors 13480_1
    Coloring Design: Basic Errors Maria Verbilkova

    The most common mistake that most gardeners allow is ignoring plant blossoms. When designing the garden, many places flowers in flower beds, but at the same time do not take into account the appearance of buds. The results of this - short blossom, which, after a month, fully fade, leaving only memories of the past beauty.

    So that this does not happen, you need to approach the organization long before the creation of the project. It is necessary to create a list containing detailed information on the periods of blossoms of all plants that will be inhabited in the garden. The best solution at such a moment will be the choice of colors overlapping each other blossom. So gardeners will get the most prolonged beauty of the garden.

    Another common error is to ignore the height of the plants, which many gardeners will simply be recorded. Experts advise to pay this time enough time, as it is important to comply with the visual beauty of the garden. Therefore, carefully examine the characteristics of all plants before the selection of varieties. You can plant plants in terms of growth, so the composition will not only look beautiful, but also to please the owners will be able to longer.

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    Coloring Design: Basic Errors Maria Verbilkova

    Another problem is weak flowering or its complete absence in plants. The reason in non-compliance with the rules of agrotechnology. Before starting landing, you need to make sure that all conditions on the site comply with the standards and preferences of plants. Namely: soil, lighting and irrigation frequency.

    Also an important point is the back background of flower beds. If the main task of the garden is to illuminate the background, then you need to choose more lush and high varieties. Landscaping can be vertical in this case. This will help hide, for example, ugly business buildings.

    Also, many plant plants as close as possible to each other are the most frequent reception of gardeners who do not need to use. This approach is not the best, since plants will simply interfere with each other or die under the "severity" of those that more and stronger.

    Saving space between colors is important to ensure a sufficient influx of air and lighting to each. That is why it is necessary to study the characteristics in advance to understand how much space it is necessary for this or another plant. This is especially true when landing perennial plants, they should leave a special place on the flower bed.

    A more spectacular flower bed will look if there are different cultures, excellent with dimensions and flowers nearby. The same is better to post in different parts of your flower beds.

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