Bake the heck in the oven quickly, useful about tasty


One of the most dietary and delicious fish is, of course, Heck. It is so universal that it can be frying in a frying pan with a whole fillet or sliced ​​pieces, bake in the oven on the contrary and in foil, stew with vegetables or in tomato paste, cook and cook a beautiful fragrant light ear. A lot of garnings are suitable for a hex. It is complemented and reveal various spices. This heck cooking recipe is incredibly simple and preparing in 15 minutes (unless, of course, the cheek is fresh or already dropped).


  • - Stek's carcass without head and insides are frosthed or fresh;
  • - Twig of fresh rosemary;
  • - salt of large grinding;
  • - Pepper black ground large either mixture of peppers.
Bake the heck in the oven quickly, useful about tasty 13473_1

Cooking in Heck in the oven

1. Include an oven at 180s.2. Steka's carcass is well rinsed under running water, remove all the insides, separate the fillet from the dice to get two identical halves. You can buy already prepared by fillet - Then the step with the cut is skipped. If the heck with his head, then it must be cut off, to remove the insides and rinse the carcass itself. Next, to divide it on the fillet as well as a carcass without a head.

Bake the heck in the oven quickly, useful about tasty 13473_2
Bake the heck in the oven quickly, useful about tasty 13473_3

3. Foil cut off the roll is twice as long as a small baking sheet. It is necessary in order to put heck on the foil, and the second part of it is to cover the fish and seal into the envelope for better baking.4. The dry baking sheet to be sealing the foil so that the brilliant part of it was outside and remained half to cover the opposition beyond the opposition.

Bake the heck in the oven quickly, useful about tasty 13473_4

5. Put the foil fish fillet, grate a large salt, sprinkle with pepper or mixture them and lay out the rosemary leaves, pre-removed from the twig and washed.

Bake the heck in the oven quickly, useful about tasty 13473_5

6. The second part of the foil to cover the heck, carefully wrap the edges, so that the couples out of the envelope. Otherwise, fillet is overpowering. Place an envelope on the disintegration of the oven and bake 10-15 minutes, depending on the power of the oven and the size of the carcass.

Bake the heck in the oven quickly, useful about tasty 13473_6

8. Such a dish is great for a dietary or late dinner. A ready-made heak with rosemary and pepper can be delivered by a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice.

Bake the heck in the oven quickly, useful about tasty 13473_7

Bon Appetit!

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