Child benefit up to 18 years old: who can count on payments?

Child benefit up to 18 years old: who can count on payments? 13470_1

Some families may apply for a child's allowance under 18. The purpose of the benefits is possible under a number of circumstances. About what is the benefit of what the requirements should be the family, what the amount of payment, we will tell in our material.

Who can apply for a child's allowance under 18

FZ No. 81 "On state benefits to citizens who have children" other than known pregnancy payments, childbirth and child care, in Article 3 also indicated a guide for a child of any age.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation in paragraph 1 of Article 21 emphasizes that the child is a person who does not fully have civil advivity and has not reached the age of majority (18 years). Prior to this age, a minor citizen can acquire opportunity before the age of adulthood, if:

  • married;
  • Began a full-fledged career from 16 years. And its full capacity is recognized by the court or guardianship bodies.

So, up to 16 years old, the child will be as in principle. From 16 to 18 years old, he is a child if its complete capacity is not achieved and is not recognized as guardianship bodies before.

Child benefit up to 18 years old: who can count on payments? 13470_2

Thus, the manual without instructions on age is guaranteed to be for children under 16. Up to 18 years, the allowance is a citizen, if he did not acquire full capacity and is still a child.

General conditions for the purpose of the allowance for a minor child:
  • The child lives on providing parents;
  • Parents are not devoid of parental rights to him;
  • Other types of benefits are not charged on the child.

Thus, it can be assumed that the lower age border for a child is at least seven years. Up to this age, basic child benefits are paid.

Child benefit up to 18 years old: who can count on payments? 13470_3 as a child allowance is appointed under 18

The rules for the appointment and the payment of benefits for a minor child in accordance with FZ No. 81 establish the subjects of the Russian Federation, since the manual is paid from the regional budget. However, the federal law establishes the frequency of payments: at least once a quarter. If desired, the region can pay the allowance more often.

In Article 16 of the Federal Law "On State Guidelines, citizens who have children" is also mentioned that the criteria for which the needy family is selected to appoint benefits, the region itself is also established. Therefore, before applying for payments, the regulations regulatory acts should be studied.

Child benefit up to 18 years old: who can count on payments? 13470_4 What a size of the benefit is possible for a child under 18

The manual can get a family that, indeed, needs financial assistance. Typically, such families include:

  • Incomplete families, where one of the parents died or left the family and evades the payment of alimony;
  • Families without sufficient income, where one of the parents remained without work, is a student or hosts military service.

Usually the need for material support is determined by comparing the family's income and the rate of the subsistence minimum of the worker population in the region of residence. However, the subject of the Russian Federation itself establishes the period for which the family's income is taken into account.

Child benefit up to 18 years old: who can count on payments? 13470_5
Payment for a child in the needy family can be:
  • extra charge difference between the income for each family member and the rate of the subsistence minimum;
  • the amount that exceeds this difference;
  • Part of this difference.

With specific indications and amounts of payments can be found in regulatory acts of the region. You can find them on the website of the government of the region, as well as the territorial branch of social protection bodies.

What documents should be collected for benefits up to 18 years

To seek the manual to the Regional Office of Social Protection of the Population. You can apply for payments:

  • directly in the organs of social protection;
  • via MFC;
  • On the portal of public services.

The application must be applied to the package of documents confirming the need for a family of payments:

  • Certificate of birth of a small child;
  • child passport over 14 years old;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of family income for the estimated period;
  • Documents confirming the lack of independent income in a child from 16 to 18 years - usually this is a certificate from the educational institution and a copy of the passport page about the marital status;
  • Bank account details;
  • a copy of the labor book of the unemployed parent;
  • Father's military ticket, if he is serving;
  • certificate of parent's teaching;
  • certificate of accounting in the CZN;
  • certificate of divorce or death of one of the parents;
  • Certificate of non-payment of alimony from the second parent.
Child benefit up to 18 years old: who can count on payments? 13470_6 How much is the application for paying to the child under 18

Social protection authorities should consider your application within ten working days. The manual itself is accrued for up to one year. To extend the benefit, the application and the necessary documents are renovated. If the manual is submitted to a seventeen-year-old child, the payment is prescribed for the period before its age.

What is important to remember about the benefit up to 18 years
  1. To get the right to pay, the child must be on providing parents.
  2. In need of the family is recognized in the case when its average income does not exceed the cost of living in the region of residence.
  3. The subject of the Russian Federation itself establishes the conditions for providing assistance, its volume and frequency. You can learn the procedure for the provision of payments on the website of the regional government or on the site of social protection organs of your subject.
  4. The payment for a child is not appointed if the family is already receiving other payments on it.
  5. To seek the payment implies to the social protection authorities.

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