We have big April touring

We have big April touring 1347_1

Balakovsky Tyuz them. E.A. Lebedeva participates in the program of the All-Russian Gastro-Concert Plan "Large Tours", therefore, in April, we have large exchange tours with Dimitrovgrad Dramatic Theater named after N. Sostrovsky.

From 9 to 11 April 2021, Balakovsky Tyuz them. E.A. Lebedeva acts as a host platform for troupes from the Ulyanovsk region.

04/09/2021 at 18.00 hours showing a musical comedy in two actions "Julia. Theater of her life "S.MEM, 12+

You are waiting for a musical story made in the best traditions of American musicals. The performance tells about the life of the Great English actress Julia Lambert. She has everything: a successful husband - the owner and director of the theater, where Julia is playing, an adult formed son Roger, there is glory, a sea of ​​fans and a brilliant career. But over time, she understands that he turned his whole life into the theater. How will our heroine cope with it? This is to find out the viewer. The duration of the performance: 2 hours 05 minutes with intermission

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10.04.2021 at 11.00 Musical multimedia fairy tale "Ilya Muromets against the Snake Gorynych" M. Zaslavskaya, 0+

A kind musical fairy tale based on the Old Russian epic and magic filled with magic. You will see the well-known story in the new interpretation. The fabulous world is created with the help of incredibly bright and beautiful multimedia scenery. The performance is recommended for viewing the whole family: adults will be able to plunge into their years of their children's viability, and children make a useful lesson for themselves. As they say: "The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint ..." Duration: 50 minutes

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10.04.2021 at 17.00 comedy story in two actions "Lift" M. Zaslavskaya.

In one old house, the light was suddenly rushed and between the floors stuck the elevator. And thanks to this event, unexpected peripetics occur with the heroes of our performance. Someone finds what he thought has long been lost. Someone the most incredible way comes new love. Ordigal to each other neighbors decide to take a fresh look at each other. The stuck elevator brings only happiness. Line, sparkling comedy, which will not leave any viewer indifferent.

The duration of the performance: 1 hour 40 minutes

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11.04.2021 at 17.00 Musical based on N.V. Gogol in two actions "Musical Auditor", 12+

"I invited you, gentlemen to inform the most infrieled news. Auditor is going to us "- from these words begins the tie of the immortal comedy N.V. Gogol. Passed century, since the time of the author changed a little, the work and nowadays did not lose the relevance and sounds modern, because as another classic of domestic literature M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin: "If I amna and wake up in a hundred years and ask me what happens in Russia now, I will answer: drink and steal." In our formulation, the inhabitants of the county city N suddenly soldered and settled, because the performance of the "auditor" is presented in our genre of the Musical. Gogol's classic text got a new sound, thanks to music sounding in modern arrangement and unusual choreography. All vocal parties are performed by actors of the "live" theater.

The duration of the performance: 1 hour 40 min.

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11.04.2021 at 11.00 Tale of the good "Cat Leopold Birthday" A. Haight, 0+

A good-natured cat Leopold dreams always and to live together. But, that's the trouble: Little Mice - Gray and White - Cutting Cat with your tricks. And even on a birthday, the mice are trying to ruin the holiday with various cants. Will the leopold be able to tell mice and spectators that friendship always wins?

The duration of the performance: 60 minutes

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