How to better know yourself and your environment?: Interesting facts from psychology

How to better know yourself and your environment?: Interesting facts from psychology 13426_1
How to better know yourself and your environment? Photo: Depositphotos.

Owning - owns the world. You can, only knowing, understanding and respecting yourself. Without this, a person cannot achieve the state of internal harmony, so necessary in order to establish mutual understanding with the external environment.

Psychologists were noticed twenty interesting facts that help us understand themselves and the world around:

  1. The most stronger and reliable is friendship, which buys aged 16 to 28 years.
  2. A fine sex representatives consider more attractive men who have a hoarse voice of a low tone, thanks to which they produce the impression of reliable, calm and non-aggressive people.
  3. As a rule, good tips are given by people who have experienced many complex life situations.
  4. People distinguished by high intelligence have an uninfixed handwriting.
  5. To learn more about what is the character of the elect, in the first dates it is worth paying attention to how he communicates with the service personnel (waiters, taxi drivers, vendors).
  6. In Natur, the ability to notice the emotional state of those surrounded with an exacerbate sense of guilt.
  7. Men are more inclined to joke than women. But at the same time they are less likely than women, think about what impression on the interlocutors makes their sense of humor.
  8. The shy people tend little to talk about themselves, but at the same time they know how to do it so that others seemed to know that they know their lifetime.
How to better know yourself and your environment?: Interesting facts from psychology 13426_2
Photo: Depositphotos.
  1. Representatives of the beautiful floor, the limit of pain portability is twice as high as representatives of strong sex.
  2. Music, sounding at high frequencies, helps relax, become calmer and improved mood.
  3. To avoid habits to think a lot before bedtime, which prevents to sleep, according to psychologists, it is worth getting a habit of keeping a diary. Recalling your thoughts on paper, a person will rather begin to dive into the drowsy state.
  4. Messages containing such wishes as "Good morning" and "good night" help to activate the brain section, which is responsible for the feeling of happiness.
  5. Overcoming their fears, people become happier.
  6. Women tend to store secrets on average about 47 hours.
  7. Holding the hand of a loved one, people are not so acute to suffer from spiritual pain and worry.
  8. What a man is smarter, the smaller the circle of his friends.
  9. Marriages concluded between the two in love, which for each other are best friends, much stronger. The risk of divorce in such marriages is reduced by 70%.
  10. Loneliness for the body is the same harmful as smoking.
  11. Travels have a useful effect on health, thanks to them the risk of heart diseases and development of depression decreases.
  12. People are intended to be transformed outwardly at the moments when they enthusiastically talk about things that are truly interesting to them.
How to better know yourself and your environment?: Interesting facts from psychology 13426_3
Photo: Depositphotos.

Psychology is a subtle science that helps people better know themselves and their own surroundings. There are many interesting psychological facts that are useful to learn. The above are one of the most interesting.

Author - Zlatka Ivanchenko

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