Dummy of the swollen crowd


Dummy of the swollen crowd 13410_1

Hypanuli and enough. "The kids" -investors were given a little to have a little, and some of them even earn, but few people wish for too long tolerate their "drooling and screaming". Yesterday we observed as a super-growth in such shares as Gamestop Corp (NYSE: GME, -30.77%), AMC Entertainment (NYSE: AMC, -18.57%) and a number of others began to chop out and sharply blown. Calm immediately came to the markets. Like, everything, played and enough. Market participants instantly switched to more serious cases - for the upcoming reports on leading technological companies, and on the discussion of the new Bidenov Program incentive. And since the first are waiting for very good financial performance, and from the second, in spite of anything - big money, both of these factors have ultimately formed a positive agenda, which brought indexes from the downward trend of the past week and led to a fairly confident growth in all directions.

The indexes themselves added from 0.76% (Dow Jones) to 2.55% (NASDAQ) and returned to the levels of the middle of last week, that is, in fact, by the time, when the more or less significant drop began. Yesterday's growth was still important from a technical point of view, since on Friday the S & P 500 index reached a level of a 50-day moving average, and its passage would mean a medium-term uplink layer, which was formed from the beginning of November. Well, since below, we, fortunately, did not leave, then the upward trend, naturally, remains quite relevant.

On the sectoral level, the picture was quite familiar to the era of the coronavirus epidemic. Ahead of the "Litch Kon" the shares of leading technological companies were jumping, which only on average showed an increase of 2.72%. One of the leaders among technological actions was Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT, + 3.31%), the demand for which is still supported by chic reporting indicators, which the company has submitted last week.

A little lagged behind the technological sector on average growth in the sector of cyclic companies of the consumer segment, whose shares rose by an average of 2.68%. However, the leader of this sector is Amazon.com (NASDAQ: AMZN, + 4.26%) - did not leave any doubts about who today is the best in fact.

In principle, yesterday was very good for the entire market as a whole, and no special failures at the sectoral level, nor at the level of individual companies were not observed.

According to the results of the trading in foreign securities at the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange on Monday, more than 2.1 million transactions with shares 1,411 issuers totaling almost $ 2.0 billion were concluded.

Market expectations February 02

Today, in the morning, the leading global exchange platform for trade in derivative financial instruments - the CME Exchange - showed the whole world, as needed to pacify the wake-up crowd of "stock hooligans". Once the WSB community on Reddit found a new "scapegoat" and began to indulge with silver, pulling out his quotes for the last 3 days from $ 24 to $ 30 per troy ounce, the Chicago Exchange is quite reasonable, as part of reducing the risks of exchange trading, sharply Raised marginal requirements for futures contracts for silver. And immediately it turned out that there is no money. Silver futures collapsed by 5%. Following them flew down and the quotes of "gamestopers", where there is a drop by 10-30 percent.

Everything! The ball began to blur. It is clear that this story will still have a continuation of the regulators, but in general, apparently, the market returns to the usual channel of the usual landmarks based on technical and fundamental analysis.

The main event of today is the yield of quarterly reporting of a number of signs for the American economy of companies. So, even before the start of the trading, the reporting of Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM) and PFizer (NYSE: PFE) will appear. Especially with great interest are the reporting of the latter. Investors hope to see strong results in 2020 and, most importantly, good forecasts for the current year. If the expectations of investors and analysts will come true, and one and world leaders of medicine and health care will really please the market participants, it can add a positive tolik to a good mood that reigns today in the morning on stock markets.

In addition to the daytime daytime, market participants will look forward to today also the release of quarterly reporting from Amazon.com. And since this reporting will be released after the end of trading, then we have a chance to see how the shares of this company will be enjoyed in advanced demand during the entire current trading session in the hope of serious GEP after the appearance of brilliant indicators. At least, very many Amazon fans are hoping.

But this is not the whole positive of today. Plus to all of the above, it is also worth adding that there were some hopes for approval, although in a trimmed form, a assistance program that was previously presented by US President Joe Biden. Yet the main stimulus for growth is now a permanent expectation of new money. And this "carrot in front of the face donkey" continues to hang and lure it higher and higher in the mountains.

Therefore, so far everything is very and very successful for the market, and we have every chance to see the continuation of the growth, which began yesterday. The main thing is that no one or nothing fall across the road. In the end, we will always have time to fall!

Pavel Pakhomov, Head of the Training Center PJSC "St. Petersburg Exchange"

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