Record number of Socially and Socialobjects plan to build in Nur-Sultan in 2021


Record number of Socially and Socialobjects plan to build in Nur-Sultan in 2021

Record number of Socially and Socialobjects plan to build in Nur-Sultan in 2021

Astana. March 12th. KazTAG - a record number of social housing and social objects plan to build in Nur-Sultan in 2021, the press service of the city akimat reports.

"Last year, it was possible not only to maintain the pace of construction, but also to significantly increase. In the current year, we also plan to build a record number of socially and social bodies. Construction work is carried out in all districts of the capital on the principle of polycentricity. This is when objects are located in step accessibility are located for a comfortable stay.

He noted that during the course, he got acquainted with the course of construction of affordable preferential housing and educational institutions, which are located in the Almaty area.

"The details allow you to keep your hand on the pulse: for developers - not to slow down the pace of construction and work on quality, for us - to see data not only on paper, but also a real picture that happens on construction purposes. With negligent developers will not work. Upon completion of construction work, it is necessary to pay attention to the improvement and gardening of the territories, "writes Akim.

The head of the city clarified, if in 2018, 1100 preferential apartments were built in the capital, in 2019, 2,200, in 2020 - over 7 thousand social sciences, then this year it is planned to increase to 10 thousand preferential apartments.

"In the construction of schools, first of all, choose those locations where there is a need for schools: it is in densely populated and in the new building regions. Including in residential arrays. For example, last year they built a school in the residential array of Michurino. There was not a single educational institution. Children and teachers were forced to engage in adapted premises. In total, in the current year we will build 16 schools. This will create over 40 thousand student seats. In comparison with last year, the number of students will increase more than twice, "said Akim.

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