List chat newspapers Balakov. Circus instead of lycbell

List chat newspapers Balakov. Circus instead of lycbell 13397_1

105 years ago

Problems of refugees

With the onset of cold weather, the need among refugees is detected more and more. The local branch of Tatianinsky Committee has already distributed felt boots in the amount of more than 700 rubles, but this need for a warm shoe was far from satisfied. To the holiday, it was decided to give the most in need of linen, to which the 300 r., But, undoubtedly, it will be not enough of this, especially since it is necessary to extradite almost everything, leading to the fact that if you can distribute everything, so in reality and difficult Determine among them in need. With food refugees, the case is still badly settled, and they continue to express their displeasure about the issuance of food in nature, and not money, assuring that they are unusual for our food, the pay would have given the opportunity to prepare in their taste.

Expensive grain

Bread delivery, despite good weather, small: the last day in the bridge there were only 2300 cars, whereas it would be twice as much. Wheat prices stood very high: the reverse from 12 p. 50 k. Up to 17 r. 70 k., And Russian from 11 r. up to 16 r. 25 k. They buy exclusively mucomols, the local buyers only look, not deciding to buy at such a high price.

Saratov leaves, December 24, 1915

100 years ago

Popam will not dadim

The Kormiato Church Council, consisting of Kulakov, decided to hold a tax on the detention of the village for the content of 100 rubles of tax, but the ass was not lucky: citizens refused to pay the church tax with the words "Popov's neck thicker, he can work himself."

The peasants say: "If we pay the advisions of taxes, it is for the needs of the state, but we do not want to pay Popam, they are expelled as expensive with us."

Red Nabat, December 22, 1920

Theater needs to help

At the meeting of the college of Wootnaroba (the county department of the People's Education - Yu.K.) Tov. Cartanov (director Theater - Yu.K.) was made a report on the situation of the people's house. It was stated that there is a drawback of five artists, so that the work of the troupe could turn around at a necessary scale.

Tov. Cartanov pointed out that the existing one for the artists the apartment with the movie "Progress" is not freed by the housing department. To write out artists due to the lack of apartments is not possible.

The people's house, moreover, feels a sharp disadvantage in electric light bulbs. Then the folk house is badly heated: the submitted slate was bad quality.

The Wootarob's collegium about the theater was decided to offer a worker to take measures to supply the folk house with light bulbs, to influence the housing department for cleansing an apartment with the "Progress" film for artists.

Red Nabat, December 26, 1920

90 years ago

Circus instead of lycbell

We have already written that the students of the Ivanovsky Technical School, who took the patronage over the closest villages, the village councils do not assist. Moreover, in some cases, the village council breaks down. On December 9, Ivanovo Cultarmeysee went through the villages to conduct classes on educational program, but in Red Yar, the occupation was disappeared because the village council invited to speech by circus. In Kazynaya Mayen, this evening staged a movie, in the small bull, the artist forgot to inform illiterate, and there was almost anywhere on this day.

So the village councils belong to the culture.

Strengthen medical supervision

In a number of schools, there are almost epidemic diseases of measles, influenza and scarletin. Medical surveillance in the area is bad.

Raydatevotel should provide regular observation of such villages, where there are cases of diseases. It is necessary to hold a magnitude medical examination of schoolchildren and their families in order to isolate those who can distribute infection.

In the order of percussion work, health workers are obliged to take on this task.

Five-year plan, December 27, 1930

60 years ago

New team

A new team of amateur activity, consisting of Ukrainians, organized at the Gidroitellers Club. The other day, he began to prepare a similar musical comedy "Buvalchina". The main roles in it will be performed by the plasterer of the housing and communal office of SaratovGesstroy Tov. Kozubov, the bulldozer of the area of ​​mechanization Tov. God and others.

Socialistic work, December 28, 1960

45 years ago

First university

This event was waiting for a long time. And in the days of the age of majority of the General Faculty, he was assigned as a state-quality mark of quality, converting into a branch.

Opening a solemn meeting of representatives of the workers of the city, teachers and students of the first Balakovo university, the first secretary of the Communist Party of the CPSU. A.V. Dögtev spoke about the big path. Which has passed the team since 1957, about the tremendous work done by the Order of Lenin, SaratovGesstroy, the manufacturing association "Khemvolokno", plants of rubber technical products. 50th anniversary of the USSR, im. Dzerzhinsky and other enterprises and organizations of the city to create a material and technical base of the faculty, conditions for educational, educational and research work.

Tov. Degtev provides the first word Rector of the Saratov Polytechnic Institute, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Professor Anatoly Ivanovich Andryzhenko.

- The history of the Balakovsky branch of the Polytechnic Institute, - says A.I. Andryzhenko, - began with the creation in 1957 the evening branch without the right to issue specialists. And now the former branch has become an educational institution that has the right to issue.

This was made possible thanks to the vast work of the entire team with permanent help and support from the city center of the CPSU, heads of enterprises and organizations of the city. All this is the result of a clear holding party and state line, an understanding of the tasks that faces the national economy of the country, areas and cities.

By order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR General Edemanechnical Faculty transformed into a branch of the Polytechnic Institute. Three faculties are created: mechanical, engineering and construction and evening-gravaries. The structure of the branch will be the same as inherent in the university. 10 departments are organized.

- A lot of good words was told to the collective, - said the head of the branch Associate Professor A.T. Twirl. - The 10th five-year plan we meet in the new quality. We are given a lot, and a lot will ask us.

Lights of communism, December 23, 1975

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