Black magic in the field: what to expect from "growth stimulants"

Black magic in the field: what to expect from

Both at the beginning of the times and in the twentieth century, people want to believe in the existence of medicines from all diseases - substances with a magic property to return the balance of the upset system, to launch the mechanisms of self-describing and reflect any external threats. This applies not only to medicine, but also agriculture: in crop production, the mummy and biodeadows firmly occupied the so-called growth stimulants.

It is really possible to regulate the growth of plants, and is mainly due to the change in their hormonal balance, experts of Augustus are noted. There are products-phytoreligulators that affect the Habius (physique) of the plant: photosynthesed substances between the root and the above-ground part are redistributed, reduce the height, mechanically strengthen the tissues, increase the thickness of the stem to prevent the seeding of crops. These are drugs based on such active substances such as chlorine chloride, trinexpack-ethyl, Paklobutrazole, tebukonazole, meticonazole, etc. These substances are retarteds: they do not provoke, and contain growth, affecting plants by regulating the level and the ratio of their own phytohormones.

If it is necessary to stimulate the development of the plant, the phytohormones themselves are used, which increase cell division, their elongation and differentiation of tissues, affecting the germination of seeds, the growth of the stem in length, the transition to flowering, the development of the flower organs, etc. Fitogormons include substances such as gibbellins, auxins, cytokinins, some of which are successfully synthesized. In addition to phytogorms, there are also so-called auxenopod-like herbicides (similar to the mechanism of action on natural auxins), such as: 2,4-d, dikamba, clopyrald, MTP, etc. in microDos, they work as stimulants, and in doses of use as a herbicide literally "Bring" a plant to death. There are also substances that accelerate maturation (for example, tomatoes collected by immature), ethylene, or, on the contrary, inhibit the germination of onions and potatoes, is a maleic hydrazide used to handle the harvest before cleaning for storage.

All these substances have long been known, and their effectiveness is confirmed by numerous methodologically reliable experiments and many years of practice. As noted in the company "August", such drugs are in demand from Agriana. For example, auxinopod-like herbicides were launched to the market for about 70 years ago, but still widely used, since the compounds are relatively rarely sustainable weed biotypes.

"When the non-professional participants in the market talk about growth stimulants, they often mean not the above products, and magic tablets from various" sellers of happiness "- one tablet on the water bucket, a bucket of three hundreds, - says the Director of Marketing and Sales of the company August "Mikhail Danilov. - similar to medical pools "from all diseases", they de "increase the germination and energy of seed germination", "enhance the growth and formation processes", "increase the stability of plants to disease and adverse environmental factors", "improve the yield and product quality", "Reduce stress from the use of plant protection chemical means." Often, this miraculous "regulator" is beautifully packed in the factory conditions and is moving to the market with the help of an equally beautiful quasi-scientific description - "is the only drug in the market obtained by the method of quasi-seated cavitation monomolecular nanodocking." What does this mean, I myself do not know, but how it sounds spectacular! And if it is still inexpensive compared to high-quality seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products, technology, how to resist such an attractive trick? "

Evaluating one or another drug, the experts of Augustus are advised to pay attention not to its harmlessness or method of obtaining, but on efficiency. The main properties and signs of the stimulator, which must be suspicious, are as follows:

- Extremely wide range of action with blurred characteristics, which cannot be checked by experimental way: "It will help the plant to cope with all diseases and adverse factors", "will stand a general fascination", "Mobilizes the protective forces of the plant," "will increase the assimilation ...", "will appear by the activator ... ";

- the ability to increase yields at times (without indication, what kind of yield is accepted for the basic);

- Many restrictions on the conditions of application: humidity, temperature, soil states, the presence of nutrients in it (since if necessary, it will be possible to refer to the fact that the result is missing, because the buyer on the narrow window of efficiency);

- the absence of a description of the mechanism of action or even explicit indication of the active substances;

- the presence of a really working active substance with the described mechanism as part of the "stimulator", but in quantities there are much lower efficiently working dosages;

- long shelf life in very wide temperature limits in biological products based on the dispute of mushrooms or living strains of bacteria;

- emphasis on natural origin of the drug, which supposedly must confirm its safety (although many "natural" substances are no less dangerous than synthetic: for example, such products are the vital activity of mushrooms, like Aflotoxins, are poison and strongest carcinogen);

- lack of indication of the timing of the drug based on the phase of the development of culture;

- indication that "Overdose is not hazard";

- the lack of the seller of the scientific report of field experience (this can not be considered a presentation or photographs of cultures; the report should belong to the organization competent in agriculture and test reports conducted in accordance with the methodology of field experience with a mandatory indication of the NWR (the lowest substantial difference) when comparing received numerical values ​​of indicators - for example, yields);

- availability of references to authorities (both scientific and public organizations and specific specialists - candidates, doctors of science and even academicians, especially if this is not academic wounds, but members of various "self-proclaimed" academies);

- Proposal to provide the drug for free and pay only if the treated yield appeared higher than on the control.

"As a rule, there are not only proven efficacy from such growth regulators, but also in direct harm, since they are most often of themselves or placebo, or an analogue of a homeopathic product with a repeatedly understated content of real acts," Mikhail Danilov said. - However, indirect damage can be quite significant. It's one thing when the seller of such a drug says: take such a means of protecting plants and add my product. But if he recommends using his product with a half norm of commonly used chemical fungicide or without it, it can lead to the fact that the crop will be significantly lower than the planned one, and even dies at all when the "magic tablet" does not work as well. "

(Source: press service of AO company "August").

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