ONLINER employees returned part of the equipment, so nothing and without finding out

ONLINER employees returned part of the equipment, so nothing and without finding out 13394_1
ONLINER employees returned part of the equipment, so nothing and without finding out 13394_2

Today, two employees on Onliner returned equipment and telephones that were taken on October 11. Holding a favorite "iPhone" in the hands of a Cales familiar to the hand, I try to flip the page, but it does not turn away. Want to know why you returned?

Do not hurry to blame me in ungratefulness - they say, thank you, which politely returned. I remember that over the past three months, more stringent detentions happened, and irreparable stories. But I remain faithful to one principle: it is impossible to mix one with another, allowing old absurd and emotions to be replaced by new, deeper. "Thank you for not beaten." This is not an excuse. It is important to remember.

Let us remind you to our circumstances: On October 11, at the very beginning of another Sunday campaign near the Planet Hotel, three adult journalists, Onliner (Alexanda Ruzhuchku's photographer, Alexey Nosov and me), detained adult men in black clothes with the inscription "OMON" on the back. That is, it was not like the game. We acted according to the rules that the state filed to us before (all external designations, reduction, distances). And the men with the inscription "OMON" acted not according to the rules: they immediately approached us and with the words: "We take it" - they took the elbows to the "uncharacteristic" bus (Gazelle). It is a fact.

At first, we were taken with other detainees in one police station, then the journalists went on the usual route to the Oktyabrskoya RWD. Why, how do you think? Because it was October, what are you so incomprehensible.

There we met a dozen colleagues from other media. Some came out earlier, others later, depending on the belonging. So the state has introduced to its rules not previously announced subparagraphs to its violation of the law.

Describe 10 hours of seating in the assembly hall under the views of a dozen former leaders of the police department (watched from the wall, I hope some was ashamed) and the acting policemen (they controlled us from the table) there is no need. There is the whole palette, as in any population: from sympathy to strict, indicative education. Officially, it was called verification of documents.

After "checking" and a small dispute on the topic "We are not security forces, and law enforcement officers, we didn't bring you here, we catch the criminals" everything ended with individual design for everyone. I asked me in the office around midnight cheerfully as I was so sad. And I did not be sad - I sympathized.

Then the lieutenant pulled out some testimony of a non-existent person and carefully (so that the feeling of guilt in the mind did not give slacks, but it will definitely give in the future) did his job by writing a protocol with a child. So the state again violated our agreements - instead of protection, it attacked my rights. It could be condemned under Article 23.4 for disobedience, but condemned us.

As a guarantee, the phone was taken to court, the photographer was taken to the photographer, the camera, at the Visual Camera.

Ships were not. At first, the cases did not reach, then the judge returned everything to refinement in the police station, and they scored responsible for this refinement (I can not call the reasons).

In early December, they expired two months allocated by the power of administrative responsibility. But instead of providing our things, we were told in the police station: "We know how many securities / cases? Wait. " Are there legitimate time to expect? Probably not. You can wait 26 years old.

Again in the court - give paper.

Reply: Case in the police station.

Today, ordinary guys from the Office of the Court came to the rescue, issued a copy of the decision in 10 minutes. In it encryption: leaving normal people, all the time has already come out.

A few hours ago, in October RWID, we were politely returned. All, except for Leshi Nosov, whose case did not reach the court and somewhere among the "Heap of Paper".

Good start of the year of unity? It would be possible to decide so much, but I went to the trial of my good friend, who yesterday decided to have tea with pizza on Lozhin. You saw: someone in civilian clothes came to them and under the slogan of some kind of independence committed a violent act of folk unity. 10 days.

Favorite (there are family pictures) the phone was returned, and the sediment remained, like after poker with a flushman.


The head of the crushed "Press Club" Julia Slutskaya in the chamber has the opportunity to look at the work of his colleagues with BT. Formally, she (and the rest of the club managers) was charged concerning non-payment of taxes. Today, native detainees contributed 109,769 rubles 58 kopecks of the damage, hoping that it would help to change the measure of restraint and remove the arrest from the Press Club.

From November 19,'s journalist Caterina Borisyevich sits on Volodarsky, who found out that there was no alcohol in the analyzes of Roman Bondarenko. Even the guy's family was not against, but here the state it seems that the rights to the mystery are violated.

In just a year, 480 detainees of journalists happened. 480.

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